Sourdough Pancakes and Waffles, Gluten-Free

Sourdough Pancakes and Waffles, Gluten-Free

Yield: 8 cups of batter (8 waffles or 32 pancakes)

Sourdough Pancakes and Waffles, Gluten-Free

2 cups (235 ml) Gluten-Free Sourdough Starter

2 cups (235 ml) milk

2 cups (280 g) Jeanne’s Gluten-Free All Purpose Flour mix, divided

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon baking powder

3 tablespoons granulated sugar (optional)

2 tablespoons neutral flavored oil (I like Rice Bran oil)

2 extra-large eggs

The night before you want to make the pancakes/waffles, make your sponge. In a large bowl, mix together the starter, milk, and 1 cup of the flour. Stir together until combined. The mixture should be lumpy.

The next morning (or at least 2 hours later), add the remaining flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, sugar if using, oil, and eggs. Stir well until the mixture is combined. You want everything to be mixed together well, but it should be lumpy. As you watch it, the batter will start to be bubbly.

To make pancakes

Heat a griddle over medium high heat until water sprinkled on it skitters across the surface. I use a non-stick griddle, so I don’t need to grease it. Pour ¼ cup measures of batter onto the griddle. Cook until bubbles form on the top of the pancakes and start to pop. Check to see if the bottom is a nice brown. Flip over and cook for a couple of minutes more.

To make waffles

Heat iron. Even though my waffle iron is non-stick and is seasoned, I found that the waffle batter stuck to it, so I lightly greased it with vegetable oil before making each waffle. Follow your iron’s directions for use. My iron makes a 6 inch deep-pocket, Belgian-style waffle, which required about 1 cup of batter and 5 minutes of cooking time.

Serve with butter and maple syrup.