Basic Muffins, Gluten-Free


For class at Dish-It-Up

Basic Muffins, Gluten-Free

makes 12 Muffins

Special Equipment Needed

-hand mixer is quite useful

-muffin pans

-muffin pan liners (optional)


1 C (200g) granulated sugar

2 1/2 C (360g) Jeanne’s Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour Mix

2 1/2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

2 large or extra large eggs

1/2 C (60ml) neutral-flavored oil (I use Rice Bran oil)

1 C (240ml) buttermilk (or 1 C milk or milk substitute w/2 tsp vinegar mixed in)

1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1 C dried fruit or chopped nuts (optional)

Extra granulated sugar for topping (optional)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Prepare your muffin pans–I use muffin papers in mine. You can also grease cups with extra butter and flour with extra tapioca flour..

In a small bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, and salt.

In a large bowl, beat eggs for a couple a minutes–until light. Add remaining sugar and beat for about 3 minutes more. Slowly add oil, beat for a few minutes more. Add vanilla, beat to combine.

Now add flour mixture and buttermilk, alternating between the two–beginning and ending with the flour mixture. If using optional dried fruit or nuts, fold them into batter with a large spoon.

Divide the batter equally among 12 prepared muffin cups. The batter should fill each cup and mound slightly. If using, sprinkle a bit of extra granulated sugar topping onto each mound of batter.

Bake at 425 degrees F for about 19 minutes–until tops are golden brown. Cool in pans for 5 minutes and then remove to wire racks to cool completely.
