Plant Clinic Resources

Here is a collection of items that some of us master gardeners have found useful to recommend to folks who visit our plant clinics. They are free to the public, so download away!

Help for Gardening and Landscaping (Adobe PDF Format) - a list of books, websites, and classes, events and clinics in St. Johns County, and a subscription form to the monthly Horticultural Newsletter

How and Why to Take a Soil Sample - Fact Sheets from the University of Florida:

Properly taken soil samples can help you understand how to grow healthier plants. Here's how to take one and to interpret it.

Soil pH can influence how plants absorb nutrients; taking a soil sample helps you understand what to plant for your soil type and whether to modify the pH for better plant health

Submit this form with your soil sample and the University of Florida will test your soil for free and send you the results and recommendations.

Sue Kalter's Top Horticultural Fact Sheets from the University of Florida: