
Interest is peaking in resuming weekly nets.                    Updated 2024 June 21

Every Saturday @ 10:00z
Odd week number    30m   10.144 MHz + 1500 Hz waterfall
Even week number   20m   14.063 MHz + 1500 Hz waterfall
Net announcement will be made on Hamspots - de PC1K
(page with the info )

** NA NETS **
Frequencies are given as "waterfall" frequencies -- Dial VFO frequency plus your audio tone.

(i.e.   30m:  10.1425 = 10.1410 Dial + 1.5kHz audio tone
or   40m:    7.0975 = 7.0960 Dial + 1.5 kHz audio tone
or      80m:    3.5850 = 3.5835 Dial + 1.5kHz audio tone)

Please check in with your Call (3x) or as directed by NCS.

Early checkins start 15m before the net officially starts. After acknowledged, please standby until your turn for comments.

It may take some time due to the propagation and relays before everyone gets their turn. Please be patient.

For better reception FLDigi users can choose font FAT14 for their transmit font. 

Wednesday Night  20:00 EDT (Thursday 00:00z)     (FSKH105 mode) 

30m Net :  10.1425 +/- MHz      NCS Paul VA3PC
30m Net (alternate frequency) 10.1345 +/- in case of interference

Thursday Night  21:00 EDT (Friday @ 01:00z)  (FSKH105 mode)

40m Net :   7.0975  +/-       NCS Cliff AE5ZA

Friday Night  22:00 EDT (Saturday @ 02:00z) (FSKH105 mode)

80m Net:     3.585  +/-         NCS Rick KD8WCK

Leave comments to the webmaster