2013 Sprint Results

We had 38 logs submitted with over 610 QSO's this month.

The survey question asked was - What software you use for Feld Hell?

Here is the breakdown submitted from the web form:

DM780 - 35%

Fldigi - 27%

MixW - 19%

MultiPSK - 14%

IZ8BLY - 5%

We had an OUTSTANDING turnout this month with nearly 60 logs submitted from over a dozen countries. Summary is available on the Yahoo FeldHell group.

The turkeys for the sprint were:

1600-1630: Dave K3DCW

1630-1700: Paul VA3PC

1700-1730: Chris K4RCH/QRP

1730-1800: Ron W4ALE

This was the best turnout in quite some time for a Sprint. Thanks to all who submitted logs, and to Udo DO1IP for setting up the Facebook FeldHell page.

Logs for the Sprint were reported on 4 bands; 80m, 40m, 15m and 10m.

The Sprint resulted in the submission of only 9 logs via email or the website, which was a bit of a disappointment.

However, we had representation in 3 different categories which was good.

There were no entries in any of the mobile or DX categories.

All together, we had 13 score submissions with 10 in the QRO categories while 3 operated QRP.

7 countries (Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Serbia and the United States) were represented;

while more significantly, we had several first-time participants in a Feld Hell Sprint, to include AD7ND, SV1ONW, G4DBW, and OK6DJ.

There were a lot of comments about the poor propagation and poor turnout, but conditions were not the best, so that is to be expected.

There were no entries in either the DX or the QRP categories.

There were no entries in either the DX or the QRP categories.

According to the comments accompanying the score submission, propagation conditions were dismal throughout the Sprint,

likely accounting for the small number of score submissions.

The June Full Day of Hell had another good turnout with 12 members submitting scores online for consideration,

but looking through the winning logs shows a lot of participating members who did not submit scores for consideration.

While we all enjoy doing these Sprints and FDOH's for the joy of working in Feld Hell, let me encourage ALL members

to submit logs for the Sprints. You never know when you may win a category, even with only one QSO.

Like the lottery, you cannot win if you do not submit a score!

This Sprint had decent participation with a dozen operators submitting scores for consideration.

The Field Day Sprint is also the only Sprint where we award points simply for calling CQ; calling CQ on 6m

and documenting it results in a 100 point bonus. When combined, this 100 point bonus and the difference

between a member and non-member QSO was the key to winning the HOME COMMERCIAL POWER category.

It always pays to read and know the rules inside and out and to find way to leverage each and every possible point.

There was no scores submitted for the NA QRP, DX QRP or DX QRO categories.

There were no scores submitted for the DX categories nor for the NA QRP category.

This was a great Sprint with a lot of activity, but few score submissions. We had well over two dozen members (at least!) active during the Sprint but only about a half-dozen score submissions. Let me encourage all members to submit logs for each and every Sprint. The online submission form takes just a couple of minutes to fill out, and there is no need to email your log unless I contact you directly. The more submissions we have, the better the competition for the members and the Club as a whole.

There were no entries in either of the DX categories.

There were no entrants for the DX QRO, DX QRP, or NA QRP categories.

For previous years' results check the archive pages.