using Bristol

For the sake of being complete, given below is the verbose help output

A synthesiser emulation package.

You should start this package with the startBristol script. This script

will start up the bristol synthesiser binaries evaluating the correct

library paths and executable paths. There are emulation, synthesiser,

operational and GUI parameters:


-mini - moog mini

-explorer - moog voyager

-voyager - moog voyager electric blue

-memory - moog memory

-sonic6 - moog sonic 6

-mg1 - moog/realistic mg-1 concertmate

-hammond - hammond module (deprecated, use -b3)

-b3 - hammond B3 (default)

-prophet - sequential circuits prophet-5

-pro52 - sequential circuits prophet-5/fx

-pro10 - sequential circuits prophet-10

-pro1 - sequential circuits pro-one

-rhodes - fender rhodes mark-I stage 73

-rhodesbass - fender rhodes bass piano

-roadrunner - crumar roadrunner electric piano

-bitone - crumar bit 01

-bit99 - crumar bit 99

-bit100 - crumar bit + mods

-stratus - crumar stratus synth/organ combo

-trilogy - crumar trilogy synth/organ/string combo

-obx - oberheim OB-X

-obxa - oberheim OB-Xa

-axxe - arp axxe

-odyssey - arp odyssey

-arp2600 - arp 2600

-solina - arp/solina string ensemble

-polysix - korg polysix

-poly800 - korg poly-800

-monopoly - korg mono/poly

-ms20 - korg ms20 (unfinished: -libtest only)

-vox - vox continental

-voxM2 - vox continental super/300/II

-juno - roland juno-60

-jupiter - roland jupiter-8

-bme700 - baumann bme-700

-bm - bristol bassmaker sequencer

-dx - yamaha dx-7

-cs80 - yamaha cs-80 (unfinished)

-sidney - commodore-64 SID chip synth

-melbourne - commodore-64 SID polyphonic synth (unfinished)

-granular - granular synthesiser (unfinished)

-aks - ems synthi-a (unfinished)

-mixer - 16 track mixer (unfinished: -libtest only)


-voices <n> - operate with a total of 'n' voices (32)

-mono - operate with a single voice (-voices 1)

-lnp - low note preference (-mono)

-hnp - high note preference (-mono)

-nnp - no/last note preference (-mono)

-retrig - monophonic note logic legato trigger (-mono)

-lvel - monophonic note logic legato velocity (-mono)

-channel <c> - initial midi channel selected to 'c' (default 1)

-detune <%> - temperature 'sensitivity' of emulation (0)

-gain <gn> - emulator output signal gain (default 1)

-pwd <s> - pitch wheel depth (2 semitones)

-velocity <v> - MIDI velocity mapping curve (510) (-mvc)

-glide <s> - MIDI glide duration (5)

-emulate <name> - search for the named synth or exit

-lwf - emulator lightweight filters

-glwf - global lightweight filters

-blo <h> - bandwidth limited oscillators with h harmonics

-scala <file> - read the scala .scl tonal mapping table

User Interface:

-quality <n> - color cache depth (bbp 2..8) (6)

-grayscale <n> - color or BW display (0..5) (0 = color)

-antialias <n> - antialias depth (0..100%) (30)

-aliastype <s> - antialias type (pre/texture/all)

-opacity <n> - opacity of the patch layer 20..100% (50)

-scale <s> - initial windowsize, fs = fullscreen (1.0)

-pixmap - use the pixmap interface rather than ximage

-dct <ms> - double click timeout (250 ms)

-tracking - disable MIDI keyboard tracking in GUI

-load <m> - load memory number 'm' (default 0)

-mbi <m> - master bank index (0)

-activesense <m> - active sense rate (2000 ms)

-ast <m> - active sense timeout (15000 ms)

-mct <m> - midi cycle timeout (50 ms)

-ar|-aspect - ignore emulator requested aspect ratio

-window - start with iconified window (SQA testing)

-libtest - gui test option, engine not invoked

Gui keyboard shortcuts:

<Ctrl> 's' - save settings to current memory

<Ctrl> 'l' - (re)load current memory

<Ctrl> 'x' - exchange current with previous memory

<Ctrl> '+' - load next memory

<Ctrl> '-' - load previous memory

<Ctrl> '?' - show emulator help information

<Ctrl> 'h' - show emulator help information

<Ctrl> 'r' - show application readme information

<Ctrl> 'k' - show keyboard shortcuts

<Ctrl> 'p' - screendump to /tmp/<synth>.xpm

<Ctrl> 't' - toggle opacity

<Ctrl> 'o' - decrease opacity of patch layer

<Ctrl> 'O' - increase opacity of patch layer

<Ctrl> 'w' - display warranty

<Ctrl> 'g' - display GPL (copying conditions)

'UpArrow' - controller motion up (shift key accelerator)

'DownArrow' - controller motion down (shift key accelerator)

'RightArrow' - more controller motion up (shift key accelerator)

'LeftArrow' - more controller motion down (shift key accelerator)



-engine - don't start engine (connect to current invocation)

-gui - don't start gui (only start engine)

-server - run engine as a permanant server

-daemon - run engine as a permanant detached server

-log - redirect diagnostic to $HOME/.bristol/log

-syslog - redirect diagnostic to syslog

-console - log all messages to console (must be 1st option)

-exec - run all subprocesses in background

-debug <1-16> - debuging level (0)

-readme [-<e>] - show readme [for emulator <e>] to console

-port <p> - connect to engine on TCP port 'p' (default 5028)

-host <h> - connect to engine on host 'h' (localhost)

-quiet - redirect diagnostic output to /dev/null

-gmc - open a MIDI connection to the brighton GUI

-oss - use OSS defaults for audio and MIDI

-alsa - use ALSA defaults for audio and MIDI (default)

-jack - use Jack defaults for audio and MIDI

-jdo - use separate Jack clients for audio and MIDI

-osc - use OSC for control interface (unfinished)

-forward - disable MIDI event forwarding globally

-localforward - disable emulator gui->engine event forwarding

-remoteforward - disable emulator engine->gui event forwarding

-o <filename> - Duplicate raw audio output data to file

Audio driver:

-audio [oss|alsa|jack] - audio driver selection (alsa)

-audiodev <dev> - audio device selection

-count <samples> - sample period count (256)

-outgain <gn> - digital output signal gain (default 4)

-ingain <gn> - digital input signal gain (default 4)

-preload <periods> - configure preload buffer count (default 4)

-rate <hz> - sample rate (44100)

-priority <p> - audio RT priority, 0=no realtime (75)

-autoconn - attempt jack port auto-connect

Midi driver:

-midi [oss|alsa|jack|none] - midi driver selection (alsa)

-mididev <dev> - midi device selection

-seq - use the ALSA SEQ interface (default)

-mididbg - midi debug-1 enable

-mididbg2 - midi debug-2 enable

-sysid - MIDI SYSEX system identifier

LADI driver (level 1 compliant):

-ladi brighton - only execute LADI in GUI

-ladi bristol - only execute LADI in engine

-ladi <memory> - LADI state memory index (1024)

Audio drivers are PCM/PCM_plug or Jack. Midi drivers are either OSS/ALSA

rawmidi interface, or ALSA SEQ. Multiple GUIs can connect to the single

audio engine which then operates multitimbrally.

The LADI interfaces does not use a state file but a memory in the normal

memory locations. This should typically be outside of the range of the

select buttons for the synth and the default of 1024 is taken for this




Print a terse help message.

startBristol -v -h

Hm, if you're reading this you found these switches already.

startBristol -mini

Run a minimoog using ALSA interface for audio and midi seq. This is

equivalent to all the following options:

-mini -alsa -audiodev plughw:0,0 -midi seq -count 256 -preload 8

-port 5028 -voices 32 -channel 1 -rate 44100 -gain 4 -ingain 4

startBristol -alsa -mini

Run a minimoog using ALSA interface for audio and midi. This is

equivalent to all the following options:

-mini -audio alsa -audiodev plughw:0,0 -midi alsa -mididev hw:0

-count 256 -preload 8 -port 5028 -voices 32 -channel 1 -rate 44100

startBristol -explorer -voices 1 -oss

Run a moog explorer as a monophonic instrument, using OSS interface for

audio and midi.

startBristol -prophet -channel 3

Run a prophet-5 using ALSA for audio and midi on channel 3.

startBristol -b3 -count 512 -preload 2

Run a hammond b3 with a buffer size of 512 samples, and preload two

such buffers before going active. Some Live! cards need this larger

buffer size with ALSA drivers.

startBristol -oss -audiodev /dev/dsp1 -vox -voices 8

Run a vox continental using OSS device 1, and default midi device

/dev/midi0. Operate with just 8 voices.

startBristol -b3 -audio alsa -audiodev plughw:0,0 -seq -mididev 128.0

Run a B3 emulation over the ALSA PCM plug interface, using the ALSA

sequencer over client 128, port 0.

startBristol -juno &

startBristol -prophet -channel 2 -engine

Start two synthesisers, a juno and a prophet. Both synthesisers will

will be executed on one engine (multitimbral) with 32 voices between

them. The juno will be on default midi channel (1), and the prophet on

channel 2. Output over the same default ALSA audio device.

startBristol -juno &

startBristol -port 5029 -audio oss -audiodev /dev/dsp1 -mididev /dev/midi1

Start two synthesisers, a juno on the first ALSA soundcard, and a

mini on the second OSS soundcard. Each synth is totally independant

and runs with 32 voice polyphony (looks nice, not been tested).

The location of the bristol binaries can be specified in the BRISTOL

environment variable. Private memory and MIDI controller mapping files can

be found in the directory BRISTOL_CACHE and defaults to $HOME/.bristol

Setting the environment variable BRISTOL_LOG_CONSOLE to any value will result

in the bristol logging output going to your console window without formaatted


Korg Inc. of Japan is the rightful owner of the Korg and Vox trademarks, and

the Polysix, Mono/Poly, Poly-800, MS-20 and Continental tradenames. Their own

Vintage Collection provides emulations for a selection of their classic

synthesiser range, this product is in no manner related to Korg other than

giving homage to their great instruments.

Bristol is in no manner associated with any of the original manufacturers of

any of the emulated instruments. All names and trademarks are property of

their respective owners.

author: Nick Copeland

email: nickycopeland at hotmail dot com