
Bristol BassMaker


The BassMaker is not actually an emulator, it is a bespoke sequencer design but

based on the capabilities of some of the early analogue sequencers such as the

Korg SQ-10. Supplying this probably leaves bristol open to a lot of feature

requests for sequencer functionaliity and it is stated here that the BassMaker

is supposed to be simple so excess functionality will probably be declined as

there are plenty of other sequencing applications that can provide a richer

feature set.

The main page gives access to a screen of controls for 16 steps and a total of

4 pages are available for a total of 64 steps. The pages are named 'A' through

'D'. Each step has 5 options:

Note: one octave of note selection

Transpose: +/- one octave transposition of the note.

Volume: MIDI note velocity

Controller: MIDI modulation, discussed further below

Triggers: Note On/Off enablers

The trigger button gives 4 options indicated by the LED:

off: note on/off are sent

red: only send note_on

green: only send note_off

yellow: do not send note on/off

The 'Controllers' setting has multiple functions which can be selected from

the menu as explained below. The options available are as follows:

Send semitone tuning

Send glide rate

Send modwheel

Send expression pedal (controller value)

Send Note: the controller will be 12 discrete steps as per the 'Note'

setting and this note will be sent on the Secondary MIDI channel.

The semitone tuning and glide work for the majority of the emulations. Some do

not support fine tune controls (Vox, Hammond, others). If you are missing these

capabilities for specific emulators raise a change request on

At the top of the window there is a panel to manage the sequencer. It has the

following functions:

Speed: step rate through the notes

DutyCycle: ratio of note-on to note-off


Stop: stop and return to first step/page






Select: which of the pages to include in the sequence.

Edit: which page is currently displayed to be edited.


0..9 key entry buttons, 1000 memories available


Save: doubleclick to save current sequence

Menu Panel

Up, Down menu

Function (return to previous level)

Enter: enter submenu or enter value if in submenu

The menu consists of several tables, these can be stepped through using the Up

and Down arrows to move through the menu and the 'Enter' arrow to select a sub

menu or activate any option. The 'Fn' button returns one level:


Find next free memory upwards

Find next memory upwards

Find next memory downwards


Copy current edit page to 'A', 'B', 'C' or 'D'.

Control - Set the control value to send:

semitone tuning

glide rate


expression pedal (controller value)

note events

First midi channel

Primary midi channel for note events

Second midi channel

Secondary midi channel when 'Control' configured to 'Note' events.

Global Transpose

Transpose the whole sequence up or down 12 semitones

Clear - configure default value for all of the:

Notes to zero

Transpose to zero (midpoint)

Volume to 0.8

Control to midpoint

Triggers to on/off

As of the first release in 0.30.8 large parts of the Controllers functionality

was only lightly tested. If you do not get the results you anticipate you may

require a fix.