
[peter@hp-s3030 yaourt]$ yaourt

--- Yaourt version ---

yaourt is a pacman frontend with a lot of features like:

. AUR support (search, easy install, vote etc..)

. interactiv search + install (with AUR Unsupported results integrated)

. building packages directly from ABS cvs sources

. search output colorised (skinable) + always show the repository where a package came from

. handling config files .pacnew/.pacsave

. managing alpm database backup (save, restore, query database directly on backup file)

. alert user when new orphans are detected and check the database integrity with testdb after each operation

. downloading PKGBUILD directly from ABS cvs or AUR Unsupported

. statistics on installed packages

Yaourt can be run as a non-privileged user (safest for AUR unsupported packages).

Root password will be required only when it is necessary.

USAGE: yaourt [OPTION...] <parameter>


yaourt [regexp] : search for matching strings (with *) and allows to install it

yaourt -S [packagename]: download package from repository, and fallback on AUR

yaourt -S [list file] : download all packages stored in the first column of the given file

yaourt -Ss [regexp] : search remote repositories and AUR for matching strings

yaourt -Syu --aur : upgrade system + packages from aur

yaourt -Sybu --aur : upgrade by building PKGBUILD + packages from aur

yaourt -Syu --devel : upgrade all cvs/svn/mercurial packages (from aur)


yaourts options are the same as pacman, so check the pacman man page for more info

yaourt adds/enhances options marked with *


(-h, --help) give this help list

(-V, --version) give program version

--noconfirm do not ask for any confirmation

--tmp /where/you/want use given directory for temporary files

--lightbg change colors for terminal with light background

--nocolor dont use any color

--textonly good for scripting yaourts output

--stats display various statistics of installed packages


(-S, --sync) <package> * download package from repository, and fallback on aur

(-S, --sync) <file> * download all packages listed on the first column of the file

(-S, --sync) -b * builds the targets from source

(-S, --sync) -c, --clean remove old packages from cache directory (use -cc for all)

(-S, --sync) -d, --nodeps skip dependency checks

(-S, --sync) -f, --force force install, overwrite conflicting files

(-S, --sync) -g, --groups view all members of a package group

(-S, --sync) -i, --info * view package (or PKGBUILD from AUR) information

(-S, --sync) -l, --list * list all packages belonging to the specified repository

(-S, --sync) -p, --print-uris print out download URIs for each package to be installed

(-S, --sync) --export <destdir> * export packages for local repository

(-S, --sync) --ignore <pkg> skip some package

(-U, --upgrade) <file.pkg.tar.gz> upgrade a package from <file.pkg.tar.gz>

(<no option>) <file.pkg.tar.gz> * upgrade a package from <file.pkg.tar.gz>

(-G, --getpkgbuild) <pkg> * Retrieve PKGBUILD and local sources for package name

--asdeps Install packages non-explicitly to be installed as a dependency

--ignorearch ignore incomplete arch field PKGBUILD


-Su, --sysupgrade upgrade all packages that are out of date

-Su --aur * upgrade all aur packages

-Su --devel * upgrade all cvs/svn/mercurial/git/bazar packages

-Sud, --nodeps skip dependency checks

-Suf, --force force install, overwrite conflicting files

-Su --ignore <pkg> skip some package

-Sy, --refresh download fresh package databases from the server

--holdver avoid building last developement version for git/cvs/svn package

Note: yaourt always shows new orphans after package update


-Su --downgrade * reinstall all packages which are marked as "newer than extra or core" in -Su output

(this is specially for users who experience problems with [testing] and want to revert back to current)

Local search:

(-Q, --query) -e, * list all packages explicitly installed

(-Q, --query) -d, * list all packages installed as a dependency for another package

(-Q, --query) -t * list all packages unrequired by any other package

-Qdt * list missed packages installed as dependecies but not required

-Qet * list top level packages explicitly installed

(-Q, --query) -g, --groups view all members of a package group

(-Q, --query) -i, --info view package information (use -ii for more)

(-Q, --query) -l, --list list the contents of the queried package

(-Q, --query) -o <string> * search for package that owns <file> or <command>

(-Q, --query) -p, --file will query the package file [package] instead of db

(-Q, --query) -s, --search * search locally-installed packages for matching strings

(-Q) --backupfile <file> * query a database previously saved in a tar.bz2 file (with yaourt --backup)

Example: you want to reinstall archlinux with the same packages as your backup pacman-2008-02-22_10h12.tar.bz2

just run yaourt -Qet --backupfile pacman-2008-02-22_10h12.tar.bz2 > TopLevelPackages.txt

To reinstall later, just run yaourt -S TopLevelPackages.txt

(-Q) --date * list last installed packages, ordered by install date

Remote search:

(-S, --sync) -s [string] * search remote repositories and AUR for matching strings

<no option> [string] * search for matching strings + allows to install (interactiv)

-Sq --depends <pkg> * list all packages which depends on <pkg>

-Sq --conflicts <pkg> * list all packages which conflicts with <pkg>

-Sq --provides <pkg> * list all packages which provides <pkg>


(-C, --clean) * manage, show diff .pacsave/.pacnew files

(-C, --clean) -c * delete all .pacsave/.pacnew files

(-C, --clean) -d, --database * clean database (show obsolete repositories)

(-S, --sync) -c remove old packages from cache

(-S, --sync) -c -c remove all packages from cache

(-R, --remove) <package> remove packages

(-R, --remove) -c, --cascade remove packages and all packages that depend on them

(-R, --remove) -d, --nodeps skip dependency checks

(-R, --remove) -k, --dbonly only remove database entry, do not remove files

(-R, --remove) -n, --nosave remove configuration files as well

(-R, --remove) -s, --recursive remove dependencies also (that wont break packages)

Note: yaourt always shows new orphans after package removal


(-B, --backup) [directory] * backup pacman database in given directory

(-B, --backup) <file.tar.bz2> * restore a previous backup of the pacman database

Runing yaourt as a non-privileged user requiers some entries in sudoers file:

- pacman (remove package + refresh database + install package from AUR package)

- pacdiffviewer (manage pacsave/pacnew files)


written by Julien MISCHKOWITZ <wain@archlinux.fr>

homepage: http://archlinux.fr/yaourt-en