Prophet 10

Sequential Circuits Prophet-10


The prophet 10 was the troublesome brother of the Pro-5. It is almost two

Prophet-5 in one box, two keyboards and a layering capability. Early models

were not big sellers, they were temperamental and liable to be temperature

sensitive due to the amount of electronics hidden away inside. The original

layering and 'unison' allowed the original to function as two independent

synths, a pair of layered synths (both keyboards then played the same sound),

as a monophonic synth in 'unison' mode on one keybaord with a second polyphonic

unit on the other, or even all 10 voices on a single keyed note for a humongous

20 oscillator monophonic monster.

Phil Collins used this synth, and plenty of others who might not admit to it.

The emulator uses the same memories as the Prophet-5, shares the same algorithm,

but starts two synths. Each of the two synths can be seen by selecting the U/D

(Up/Down) button in the programmer section. Each of the two synthesisers loads

one of the Pro-5 memories.

There was an added parameter - the Pan or balance of the selected layer, used

to build stereo synths. The lower control panel was extended to select the

playing modes:

Dual: Two independent keyboards

Poly: Play note from each layer alternatively

Layer: Play each layer simultaneously.

In Poly and Layer mode, each keyboard plays the same sounds.

Mods: Select which of the Mod and Freq wheels control which layers.