Turtle Van shoot

Photoshoot taken Sunday, January 22nd, 2017. One of the things I was looking forward to the most was putting Baxter behind the wheel of the Turtle Van. After all, it used to be his. And April's driving it in the first 87 opening sequence, so Baxter could do the same thing sometime.

You can't see really well through the windshield, but Michelangelo is riding in there with him.

You can see better from the other side.

Meanwhile, Raphael mans the missile launcher.

And Donatello monitors things in the back. You can see the extra missiles on the wall. You can also see Sunset Shimmer and Oscar Goldman peering in through the open door. You can even see that Michelangelo is slumped against Baxter. Whoops.

Another shot with Michelangelo sitting up straight again. Also, there's the random skateboard attached to one of the back doors.

Leonardo looks out the other door.

April joins him.

Hmm, it seems like trouble should be happening about now.

And there it is.

"Wretched reptiles!"

... Yeah, just ignore that other Leonardo that got in the picture....

Now Krang wants in on the action. In person he's a much deeper pink. Interesting how he photographs closer to the correct color.

Double trouble on the roof! Also, the missile launcher fell off. Whoops.

Leonardo steps up to the challenge!

Raphael cheers him on.

Now he joins in ... after reattaching the missile launcher.

Things have become a regular free-for-all.

Baxter and April get out to observe. Baxter's probably just too nerve-wracked to keep driving with so much happening on the roof.