Cream Cadillac

Yeah, I'm terrible at drawing cars, but I used a 1996 Cadillac DeVille as my model instead of trying to draw from scratch, so that's . . . something, I suppose. The part of the car that I could fit on the paper really did look pretty much like this. If seen in full, the hood and trunk would be extended like a proper full-size sedan. Cadillacs seem to be just about the only vehicle left that still look kind of reminiscent of the big old classic cars. Which is part of why I chose one for Barney; I just love the thought of him driving a beautiful big car like that. (Yeah, I adore classic cars. . . .)

I do love this one. Barney looks proud of his car and Baxter and Vincent just look adorable. And I really adore how the hair came out here. . . .