Absolute Zero shoot

Photoshoot taken Tuesday, March 14, 2017. Barney stands on Krang's Snowcatcher invention, controlling it via the laptop (which now houses Z/Vincent). Baxter tries to reason with him to stop this madness. Raphael gets ready to throw a sai and jam the machine (he hopes).

Michelangelo and Donatello didn't get into the shot from this angle, but I liked how the picture turned out and I didn't want to delete it. And yes, the Snowcatcher is being played by the Mutation Chamber from one of the Nick playsets. Heh. I had to buy that to get the laptop!

Okay, this is the last angle, I promise.

Raphael throws the sai, the machine blows up, and Barney is . . . where? Baxter screams and tries to run at the smoking mass. Leonardo and Donatello have to hold him back.

Baxter finally gives up trying to rush the machine, but being sent a programmed email that will only send if Barney's heart stops, plus finding Barney's glasses in the snow, gives him new horror.

Michelangelo tries to comfort him.

Another angle.

Barney was not blown up; he fell down the mountain when he tried to jump off the machine right as it exploded. The impact, however, did indeed stop his heart.

Vincent isn't ready to give him up and tries desperately to warm and revive him.

Baxter has to follow the GPS signal Barney sent him in the pre-written email to retrieve Vincent. The signal is coming from down the mountain. Everyone stands and ponders how Vincent survived the blast and the fall.

Barney finally does revive, but he's not well. He staggers around in circles for a while as Vincent tries to talk to him.

Finally he collapses and sinks unconscious again. Vincent is frantic.

Meanwhile, after everyone starts down the mountain, Shredder and Krang arrive to look things over. Krang isn't ready to give Barney up for dead, while Shredder just wants to move on.

"Look at this, Krang! He couldn't have survived!"

Krang insists they will go down the mountain and investigate, just in case Barney fell and wasn't blown up.

Meanwhile, the good guys find Barney and Vincent first. Baxter is overjoyed that Barney is alive! Vincent is overjoyed they've arrived.

Raphael agrees to carry Barney, since Baxter cannot. He still feels guilty about his sai blowing up the machine. He hates Barney, but he really didn't mean to try to kill him.

They meet Shredder and Krang along the way. Krang offers a proposal: they'll take Barney back with them and he'll receive the medical help he needs, far quicker than if they try to drive back to the city with him and lose precious time.

Baxter is worried about that very thing. Barney is worried about being sent to prison, even though there aren't any charges against him that would stick.

Baxter leaves the decision up to Barney. He agrees to go back.