Exit the Fly shoots

The only shot you will ever see of my Baxter figure in fly form, taken as soon as I got him out of the package on Thursday, January 19th, 2017. From the opening of Exit the Fly, when he's terrorizing the Turtles with the retro-mutagen ray gun. April's camera is playing the gun. I had to take the picture from an angle where it wasn't obvious it was a camera, LOL.

Photoshoot taken Tuesday, February 7th, 2017. Barney chases Baxter in a blind rage, wielding a crowbar. We can all pretend that is a crowbar, yes? I couldn't find any spare Mega Bloks pieces that were gray, alas.

Another angle. We can also all pretend April's camera is a retro-mutagen ray gun, right?

Barney gets close enough to strike.

Baxter goes down.

The rage evaporates and Barney is left in stricken horror over what he has done. He desperately seeks a pulse.

Another angle.

Krang appears. "Is he dead?"

Barney lies and says Yes to prevent Krang from ordering Baxter killed. But April overhears. . . .

My hurt/comfort photoshoot, taken Sunday, January 22nd, 2017. April finds Baxter apparently dead after he tried to help her, the Turtles, and Splinter.

Donatello joins them.

Donatello lifts Baxter. They need to get off the Technodrome, now.

Everyone mourns, in their own way. I am sad Splinter is not present, but he only comes with the Technodrome, alas. I will have to redo this if they release another one that's easier to get.

Overhead shot.

Baxter wakes up. Barney lied to Krang about him being dead.

Everyone is happy. Even Raphael.