
Not an episode guide, because I may choose to rearrange the order of the episodes. And of course, some of these might not end up actually being written. But these are the ideas of what's potentially in store. This will be updated when new ideas present themselves, and also when stories are finished and ready to be linked. Occasional ideas are based on episodes of Darkwing Duck and other equally silly, fun shows or are suggested by friends, while most are my own concepts from beginning to end.

Pilot: "Exit the Fly." Baxter the Fly is terrorizing the Turtles with a rebuilt retro-mutagen ray gun when he ends up blasting himself and finally rendering himself human again. The Turtles save him when he plummets out of the sky and discover that he is in shock from the double trauma of the cross-fusion and being pulled apart from the fly. They and Splinter decide to treat him since they know best how to deal with mutants, and since they hope that perhaps handling him with kindness will soothe the instability he fell prey to even before the cross-fusion. As Baxter recovers, his brother Barney reappears on the scene and joins forces with Shredder.

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"Land of A Thousand Klutzes." While watching Irma Langinstein inadvertently create disasters on her panicked way to work, Shredder decides that the perfect way to defeat the Turtles is with a clumsiness ray that will turn them as well as practically the entire city into klutzes. It has no effect on those who are already clumsy, which puts the fate of the city into the hands of Irma and Baxter while the Turtles struggle to participate in spite of tripping over their own feet and knocking all the wrong things over with their weapons.

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"A Revolution in Home Appliances." (Darkwing inspired.) Baxter is finally moving into his new apartment. At the same time Krang has invented a new device that will bring electronic appliances to life to do his bidding. But Bebop and Rocksteady muff the installation and it results in making the appliances sentient enough that they decide to take over the city.

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"Time Doesn't Heal Everything." Baxter accepts a job at Channel 6 as a scientific consultant. He soon discovers that while the city as a whole may have forgotten him, some specific people have not, especially Mr. Blodgett. And thanks to a disastrous encounter in a restaurant, the city as a whole is soon negatively reminded of Baxter again.

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"Twin Beaks." (Darkwing inspired.) The Turtles, April, Baxter, Irma, and Vernon end up in a bizarre town in upstate New York where twin turtle peaks loom above a sleepy town filled with inhabitants who treat cabbages like people.

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"The Phantom of the Floxy Redux" The Turtles learn that the old Floxy Theatre was never converted into a dance club, both because the contractors were scared off by tales of the strange things happening and because some citizens campaigned to have the theatre preserved as a historical site. For ages it's sat abandoned and not renovated, as even with the departure of Urk, some people insist there is still a Phantom. When April reports, it looks like it might be true. And this Phantom just may be very personal to Baxter.

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"Return of the Knucklehead." Baxter has been afraid of arachnids ever since returning to being human. But he has to face that fear when Barney upgrades the Knucklehead and sends it out to wrap Manhattan in webbing. As the creator of the device, only Baxter fully knows how to stop it.

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"Emperor Vernon." An old and abandoned alien spacecraft is discovered while a construction crew is digging for a new building and Channel 6 goes to investigate. While there, Vernon literally stumbles into what looks like alien jewelry and ends up getting a diadem stuck on his head completely by accident. He has no choice but to come back with it, a decision which soon causes mounting disaster as an alien force in the crown starts to take him over and tries to use him to conquer Manhattan.

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"The Golden Goose." (DuckTales inspired.) Krang attempts to use a scientifically-created golden goose that has the fabled ability of the philosopher's stone: transmuting matter into gold. The Turtles get hold of it during a fight against Bebop, Rocksteady, and Barney, but lose it again through a disastrous and tragic confrontation. And when the goose comes to life and sheds its golden coating, it's suddenly a race against time to return the goose to its roost before the entire world is coated in gold.

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"I Saw Krang Kidnapping Santa Claus." Krang decides that they should locate and abduct Santa Claus, as someone who can fly through the air on a sleigh pulled by nine reindeer should have enough power to raise the Technodrome from the ocean floor. He succeeds in his nefarious scheme, but of course Santa has no desire to assist the villains. While he interacts with Barney and tries to reawaken some of the goodness in his heart, the Turtles determine they must launch a rescue to save Santa Claus and Christmas.

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"Nightmare." Baxter suffers from snippets of what appears to be a recurring dream in which he attacks and abducts Barney during the time he was cross-fused with the fly. To his horror, he learns under hypnosis induced by Splinter to try to help him that it is a repressed memory. In the past, Professor Sopho tricked him into helping him with the promise of getting revenge on Barney, someone who always hurt him. But what really happened during that scheme, and why did neither Baxter nor Barney have any memory of it until now?

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"A Ghost of a Chance." (Semi-crossover.) The Channel 6 crew is filming a hands-on story about the Ghostbusters. Baxter scoffs at the existence of ghosts, but he learns the hard way that they're for real when an accident sends him and Vernon on a frightening out-of-body experience that includes an unplanned visit to the Technodrome. When the issue is discovered, Splinter must lead the Turtles, April, and Irma in trying to mentally reach out to the wandering spirits and bring them home.

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"Another Time and Place." The Turtles are telling Baxter about the time Professor Moriarty tried to conquer the world and they had to stop him after he made a new timeline in which he ruled supreme. Baxter finds it difficult to grasp that Moriarty, and thus Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, were all real people. Nevertheless, he believes and is intrigued by the Turtles' tale. Then they are all dragged into a new chapter of it when the others from Channel 6 start remembering Moriarty's timeline and the Turtles learn the dark and disturbing reasons behind Irma's absence in and Vernon's participation in the resistance movement against Moriarty.

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"The Trouble With Tribble." The young Neutrino heiress to the throne returns to Earth as a toddler, but still just as innocently mischievous as before. How will the Turtles, April, Irma, and Baxter handle the havoc of baby-sitting in the middle of Shredder's latest scheme?

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"Absolute Zero." The Turtles and Baxter are trying to stop Shredder and Krang's latest plot in the snow-covered mountains, but something goes drastically wrong and an explosion appears to kill Barney. Shredder gives him up for dead, and Baxter has to face that truth as well, especially when he receives a pre-written email from Barney that was to only be sent from his laptop if his heart should stop. There is also a GPS signal for the laptop, which now houses Baxter's alien computer friend. With the Turtles in tow, Baxter struggles to find the laptop. But meanwhile, Barney isn't as dead as it appeared, and now, dazed and hurt, he's wandering the mountain with the laptop.

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"Baxter and Bugman." Bugman returns and immediately clashes with Baxter, disgusted that Baxter didn't find a way to use his insect powers for good. Baxter, meanwhile, is angry that Bugman never considered that Baxter cracked up from not just receiving bug DNA, but actually being cross-fused with a fly. Michelangelo, of course, gets caught right in the middle. And of course, a madman interferes at just the wrong time to make everything worse by mind-controlling Bugman and enlarging insects.

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"Stressed to Kill." (Darkwing inspired.) Krang devises a plot to abnormally relax all the citizens of New York to the point that they won't care if Krang conquers the world. Barney poses as a medical doctor and Bebop and Rocksteady work as attendants at a stress clinic, all so they can use Krang's Relaxatron gun to mellow their patients. Trouble strikes when the Turtles discover what's happening and try to stop it, only for three of them to be zapped by the gun themselves. How can Splinter, Raphael, and Baxter interest them in fighting crime when all they want to do now is watch flower shows and create Japanese rock gardens?

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"Unworthy." As Baxter observes more of Vernon's continuing contradictory behavior towards April and Irma, he starts to suspect there's another reason behind it. At the same time, he has to deal with his mother's desire to see Barney and Barney's absolute refusal to have anything to do with her.

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"The Vegetable Vampires Stalk at Midnight." An accident with a weird ray during a conquer the world plot leaves Krang and Vernon with the urge to go out in the middle of the night and suck the juice out of tomatoes and other vegetables. Naturally, everyone else is highly confused. Finding out what's going on only heightens the confusion, especially when Krang's presence is discovered and Vernon breaks into his rendition of the Vincent the Vegetable Vampire song.

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"A Matter of Time." (Based on a story idea from Harry2.) While trying to stop Shredder from unleashing his newest scheme, the Turtles and Baxter fall into a dimensional space-time rift and end up in a future similar to the Turtles' Shredderville dream. Shredder rules supreme, April is forced to work as his aide, and the Turtles and Baxter are all considered dead. As they try to figure out how to reopen the rift and get home so that this horrible future doesn't happen, they find that an ill and grief-stricken Splinter has been training Irma and April in ninjitsu and that Barney, kicked out along with Krang when Shredder took control, is half-mad with grief and anger over Baxter's apparent death.

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"No More Mr. Nice Shredder." Hilarious disaster strikes when an accident with Krang's Relaxatron gun and Donatello's personality-altering ray results in Shredder being hit with the combining burst of power. Now Krang and Barney have to figure out what to do with a Shredder that only wants to pick flowers and relax in meadows. The Turtles are even more confused than they are.

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"Return of the Were-Rats." The Rat King rebuilds his flute and brings Irma and Vernon under his control again by reviving their dormant, unstable transformations. The only way to permanently shut them off is to retrieve the retro-mutagen ray gun on the Technodrome . . . or to try to get Barney to bring it to them. The situation only becomes worse when Krang doesn't realize the transformations are unstable and not permanent and he wants Irma and Vernon to serve him as part of a new mutant army.

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"Hello Again, Punk Frogs." All four Punk Frogs come to New York to visit the Turtles. Baxter finds himself scared to death of them, both because he has developed a fear of all creatures that prey on flies and because he's terrified that if they realize he was a human-fly cross-fusion, they will try to have him for dinner.

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"A Bad Reflection on You." (Some new elements are TaleSpin inspired.) Due to a misunderstanding during the Turtles breaking up Shredder's latest plot, Vernon ends up mistaken as the hero and takes the credit. He becomes a sensation practically overnight, and of course, he laps up the attention hook, line, and sinker. When Burne wants him to investigate the mysterious disappearances of several cargo ships, he eagerly accepts. But when his vanity and egotism result in a disaster that renders the Channel 6 staff incapacitated during the investigation, Vernon's true colors come through and he is both scared stiff and crushed anew, feeling he is truly worthless. April has to convince him he can still step up and be the hero New York City thinks he is.

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"Vengeance is Mine." Someone is stalking Baxter, wanting revenge on him for turning him into a giant insect in Revenge of the Fly. When Barney finds out, he snaps.

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"End Game." (Loosely TaleSpin inspired.) Krang has Barney invent a sub-electron amplifier, which Barney believes is for keeping the electricity on in the Technodrome. Instead, Krang intends to use it to power a highly destructive device he's been building: a lightning gun. He plans to use it to bring the people to their knees by holding the city hostage and destroying as much property as possible. But Barney realizes that many people will die with this type of plot and this is finally the line that he will not cross under any circumstances. He is furious that Krang is using his invention for something like this and regardless, he knows he must do everything in his power to stop the horrific scheme. But "everything in his power" may include making the ultimate sacrifice.

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"Reboot." The group tries to put the pieces back together following the destruction of Krang's lightning gun. Baxter, grief-stricken and shaken by Barney's apparent death, makes sure that his brother is remembered as a hero and not a villain. He and Vincent, who was left at Baxter's apartment by Barney before he went out to destroy the device, mourn Barney in the company of the Turtles, Splinter, and the other members of the Channel 6 crew. Michelangelo, however, believes that Baxter should not give up hope since no body was found and the only evidence that Barney may have been blown up is a piece of red hair that floated down from the explosion site.

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"Plan 9 from Channel 6." (Inspired by a comment from Harry2.) April has apparently quit her job after an argument with Burne and is working at Channel 9! The Turtles are baffled, but Irma and Baxter know the truth: something is fishy at Channel 9 and April is undercover to find out what. And she may just get in over her head....

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"System Error." Krang plots to unleash monsters through everyone's computers and mobile devices, including through Barney's laptop as a method of cruelest revenge. But his plan backfires when the attack causes Vincent to go haywire and take over both Barney's house and the Technodrome. For the good guys, it becomes imperative to save him as well as to stop Krang. For the bad guys, they quickly realize that Barney had put more over on them than they had thought.

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"Control, Alt, Delete." Krang decides he must try one more time to get hold of the alien supercomputer, now that he knows it's still alive and with Barney. But he and Shredder get more than they bargained for when they manage to kidnap Vincent but he won't cooperate. The Technodrome may not be able to withstand his assault.

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"The Rat King's Revenge." Baxter is mugged and stumbles back to his apartment, where he collapses, hurt, and Barney later finds him. But his troubles are just beginning when The Rat King learns that Baxter invented the Mouser robots and decides to punish him for it.

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"Winds of Change." Splinter and Michelangelo are having highly unsettling dreams about Baxter being buried alive. This coincides with Shredder coming to the surface with Krang's latest invention: what he claims is a death ray. Shredder's attempts to hit one of the Turtles backfires when Baxter desperately tries to save Michelangelo and is hit instead.

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"Alpha-1 is Back." Everyone is hopping mad with Shredder for the cruel trick he played. But just as Shredder starts to realize that perhaps toying with his enemies' emotions was a very bad idea, the renegade Foot Soldier Alpha-1 returns from his other dimensional exile and tries again to conquer the planet. Although he offers a partnership in his plan to Vincent, the alien computer turns him down cold and Alpha-1 brands him a traitor to technology by remaining loyal to humans.

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"Madame Butterfly." Something bizarre is happening to Irma's personality and no one knows why. As she becomes less like the sweet, romance-obsessed person the others know and love and more like a crazed actress from the 1900s who wants to literally turn all the world into a stage, they try desperately to find the way to bring her back. But the key to that may lie with the most unlikely of people: Vernon Fenwick.

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"The Frequency Fiends." (Darkwing inspired.) The Turtles try to stop a mad scientist, who responds by creating four duplicates of Michelangelo, with each being the embodiment of one of his less desirable traits. When the duplicates set out to wreak havoc on Manhattan, the Turtles, Baxter, Barney, and Vincent have to find a way to collar them and stop their reign of terror.

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"The Swan and the Viper." Baxter finds himself in the middle of a very bizarre situation when two completely different women want his attention: a student of Barney's who has an innocent crush and a mysterious woman with unclear motives.

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"The Iceman Cometh." Shredder and Krang try using a freeze ray to take over the city. Along the way, their cruelty dredges up unpleasant memories of the Golden Goose case for Michelangelo and Donatello especially.

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"The Power of OMNUS." OMNUS, who is actually Vincent's prototype, resurfaces on Earth and promptly begins manipulating Mr. Blodgett to help him.

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"Bebop and Rocksteady Steal the Turtle Van." Bored of what's currently happening in their lives, Bebop and Rocksteady decide to have some fun and steal the Turtle Van for a joyride. Much havoc ensues, especially when Seymour Gutz, now an insurance salesman, continually turns up underfoot.

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"Recompense." Baxter has a very awkward experience when the first winners of the Channel 6 science contest are the children who received the killer pizzas.

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"Both Sides." Barney is fairly established in his new job when Pinky McFingers comes calling, wanting Barney to secretly return to his employ. After living dishonestly for most of his life, Barney is tempted to slip back into his old ways. In the end he chooses his new life, but Pinky isn't willing to take No for an answer. When he abducts Michelangelo to force Barney's hand, Barney has to determine if there is a way to both save Michelangelo and continue trying to be honest.

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"Sacrificial Lambs." Creepy Eddie returns and traps the Turtles, Baxter, Barney, and Vincent in a horrific waking nightmare, forced to choose to save only some of their loved ones or all of them will die. In the Lair, Splinter, April, and Irma desperately seek a way to break Creepy Eddie's control and save all of them.

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"Down With Mutants!" The Channel 6 crew is covering a news story in a small town when the word gets out that Baxter was a fly creature. The highly prejudiced town forms a lynch mob and goes after him with torches. April desperately calls for help, but all she can do in the meantime is to film what's happening and try to get the word out. Among those who see the outrageous cruelty of the town are Baxter and Barney's parents.

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"The Triumphant Return of Super Irma!" Irma misses when she was brave and fighting crime. After being hit with a new ray gun of Krang's, she starts sleepwalking as Super Irma and actually makes a good dent in cleaning up the city. But when awake, she feels inadequate again. The others have to figure out how to reverse the sleepwalking effect, while Vernon ends up in the position of trying to tell her that the ability and courage to be Super Irma has always been inside her.

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"Evermore." An attempted abduction on Vincent results in him being lost in the mountains and struggling to get home, while Baxter, Barney, and the others conduct a frantic search that results in the discovery of the wrecked kidnap car and the remains of a laptop inside. Barney's hope crumbles as he believes Vincent is lost to them. Meanwhile, Vincent has made an unlikely friend in his desperate quest to get back to the city.

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"Tempestra's Revenge." The kids from It Came From Beneath the Sewers surface and win Baxter's contest at Channel 6, but do they have an ulterior motive? They certainly aren't treating him very nice. In the middle of all this, Tempestra resurfaces and wants revenge on Leonardo.

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"Stockmans Times Six." Barney Stockman from the Platinum Dunes verse, who has been neglected and overshadowed by his Baxter, tries to assert himself by opening a portal. It leads to the verse of the 1987 series, causing much confusion among the groups from both verses. Vernon is horrified by the size of the new Turtles, while Baxter and Barney are sickened and saddened to see the disharmony between their counterparts. And if someone can't convince the new Barney to close the portal, many people and mutants may be hurt by the villains of both verses.

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"The Lady With the Mystic Smile." Mona Lisa returns, but not for fun and games. Her mutation is failing, most likely, Donatello determines, because of the nature of its origin. With her survival hanging in the balance, the group determines they must go to the Technodrome to retrieve the retro-mutagen ray gun. Meanwhile, Shredder and Krang decide to plunder Captain Filch's old storage units, but change their plans when they realize they have unwanted visitors.

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"Shinigami Shredder." An attempt by Krang to make Shredder more formidable backfires when he becomes more sadistic and bent on revenge and conquering the world by killing. This Shredder might actually win ... and Krang starts to realize that won't bode well for him.

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"Baxter Undercover." Big Louie approaches Baxter, wanting him to help with a below-board scientific project. Baxter refuses, but upon thinking it over, decides maybe he should accept in order to bring Big Louie down and keep him from harming Vincent again.

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"A Day Off." Everyone is trying to recover from the emotional wounds of the previous adventure. While out walking, Baxter finds Michelangelo also out walking because of a problem at home.

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"Another Alternate Dimension Story." While visiting at the Lair, the Stockmans and the Turtles witness a portal opening and another Donatello, Vincent, and Baxter Stockman come through. They're just visiting out of scientific curiosity and have no ill intentions. This Baxter changed his name to Jordan Perry for career reasons, something his Barney hates him for. This Baxter also discovered an already embodied Vincent badly wounded after crash-landing on Earth, and he and Donatello nursed him back to health. The groups exchange stories and encourage the visiting Baxter to make amends with his brother.

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"The Turtle Terminator 2.0." Shredder invents a new Turtle Terminator, this one taking on the guise of Baxter. But he gets more than he bargained for when he abducts Baxter to make the switch, as Baxter is no longer the meek little man Shredder was once able to order around. Meanwhile, Vincent spots the fake immediately and gets into a fight with it.

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"Wednesday Night at Willie Wombat's." Strange things have been happening at the ruins of Willie Wombat's Pizza Pan Theatre, the worst of which is that people have been disappearing. The Turtles and the Stockmans go to investigate, joined by April and Bogart Flywheel, and discover horror a la Five Nights at Freddy's.

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"With All Your Heart." A strange alien spaceship lands on Earth and the group investigates. Vincent recognizes the culture as being one that used scientific approaches concerning love to fight against their cold-hearted enemies. One of their favorite devices was a form of suspended animation that could only be broken by a show of true love from someone the victim knew. Barney is utterly baffled, but before the day is out, such a device must be overcome and Vincent learns something about himself.

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"Lights, Camera, Shredder!" Shredder is directing a movie in disguise as part of a new nefarious scheme. But what is it this time? And do all the weird accidents on the set have anything to do with it?

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"Pizza Power!" A strange and seemingly mad alternate Baxter opens a new portal between dimensions. To the 87 series group's shock, the new world features the Turtles as music superstars and Shredder as a disgruntled villain who raps about things he hates. Baxter and Barney are both disturbed by the alternate Baxter, but Vincent gets along with him beautifully and encourages him to leave Shredder. The alternate Baxter, who is not really mad but is putting on an act for Shredder, thrives on Vincent's kindness and finally agrees. But Shredder has a new scheme in the works....

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"Who Shot Barney Stockman?" Vincent is called to Mr. Dalton's office for a few minutes. When he and Baxter return to the classroom moments later, they find Barney slumped in his chair, shot with a knockout dart. And the room has been completely ransacked. Now they and the Turtles have to figure out who could have caused such a calamity. Was it really Herman J. Mellish in a fit of overwhelming jealousy? Or is someone trying to frame him?

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"Shredder's New Movie." Shredder isn't done with the directing racket and Krang comes up with a new plan to obtain energy: they'll draw it from people using a bizarre new camera. Shredder sets about arranging the movie set while Bebop and Rocksteady send out casting calls. Trouble strikes when Irma and Michelangelo answer said casting call.

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"Shredder Takes A Protege." Against Krang's wishes, Shredder tries to trick a child the Turtles ordered away from a fight into helping him. The child, Zach's friend Caitlyn, isn't fooled but decides to go along in the hopes of bringing Shredder down from the inside. She soon realizes, however, that she is in over her head ... and that it won't be easy to back out.

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"Return to the Technodrome." Furious over his defeat when using Caitlyn against the Turtles, and remembering the effectiveness of Krang's recent mind-control, Shredder decides to get back at his enemies in another most cruel way: by using Krang's mind-control formula to force Barney back into their employ.

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"Gomenasai For Everything." Everyone tries to recover from the calamities of the previous adventure, but for both the good guys and the bad guys, that may not be so easy.

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"The Great Divide." In the middle of an immature feud, Krang teleports Shredder to Manhattan and cuts off all communication with the Technodrome.

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"Night Out Of Time." (Mannix inspired.) The Turtles and Vincent have their work cut out for them when Barney turns up completely dazed and not remembering much of the last few hours, except for thoroughly believing that he somehow seriously hurt or even killed Baxter in a fit of rage. The night only grows more baffling when Baxter turns up alive, but also dazed and not remembering, except for being adamant that Barney didn't harm him.

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"Logos, the Feared Pirate from Dimension X." (Suggested by Retro Mania, and DuckTales inspired.) Krang and Donatello each have a time-stopping device. Of course, something goes wrong, and when the devices clash, Logos the pirate is brought to the present from the past. At the moment, he is determined to have entertainment for his birthday party, even if he has to get it at laser gun point.

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"Michelangelo the Criminal." Michelangelo ends up conked on the head and gets amnesia, which Shredder decides he must use to his advantage by telling Michelangelo he works for the bad guys. Michelangelo proves a competent worker but still won't hurt the other Turtles or Baxter, sensing they're special to him. Eventually Shredder turns to a mind-control device created by Professor Willard with the intention of using it to force bad guys to abandon their evil ways and uses it to try to force Michelangelo to defeat his loved ones. The Turtles, Splinter, and Baxter struggle to get through to him and he is still desperate not to harm them. But when he at last gets free of the mind-control, it's turned on someone thought to be far weaker and more susceptible to its power: Baxter.

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"Ghosts of the Past." Everyone is still trying to recover from the calamity with Michelangelo when Shecky Schtick decides to debut a new comedy routine that makes fun of Barney. Vincent, Baxter, and even Raphael are furious. Barney feels he deserves it and that he'll have to try to apologize for what he did to Shecky and Joey in the past. Not that he thinks it will really do any good.

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"Baxter and Barney's 25th High School Reunion." Neither Baxter nor Barney is particularly thrilled about attending their high school reunion, since it wasn't a happy time for them, but they do like the idea of showing everyone there how they've grown and become a family. So they go, taking Vincent and Michelangelo as guests. The evening doesn't go as peacefully as they hoped, but for reasons they wouldn't have imagined.

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"More Than the Sum of His Parts." Vincent witnessed a crime without realizing what he was seeing. The criminals realize he saw them and come after him. Then The Rat King, who is working with the gangsters and is still determined to have his vengeance on Baxter for inventing the Mousers, conspires to get at Baxter with an object that will be very deadly to Vincent: a Rare Earth magnet.

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"The Heart That Hurts." Michelangelo and Baxter are out when Michelangelo tries to go after Bebop and Rocksteady and is injured. Baxter can see that Michelangelo will only get worse if he doesn't rest, but Michelangelo is determined to make good and nab the villains. He chases them into an old warehouse and then can't go on. When Baxter follows, he tries to help Michelangelo get back out, but Rocksteady blows up the warehouse when they're still close enough that they're propelled by the force of the blast. Michelangelo wakes up to find Baxter hurt and unresponsive and realizes in horror that it's his fault for not listening. There is a deeper, darker reason why Michelangelo acted out, but has he made an irreparable error?

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"Donatello's Amazing Furniture Mover." (DuckTales inspired.) Donatello invents a furniture mover ray to vacuum under furniture without the hassle of moving it. Shredder and Krang learn about it and immediately want it to try to lift the Technodrome.

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"Electric Soul." A power surge during a lightning storm hurts Vincent when he's working in the control room. He then appears to Baxter in astral form, revealing that he does have a soul as Baxter and Barney had hoped. But now Baxter, Barney, the Turtles, and Splinter have to figure out if this disaster has terminated their friend or if he can still be restored to his physical body.

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"The Turtles and Allies Fan Club." Zach has been making some friends at school who like the Turtles too. They decide to form a fan club, as Zach had wanted to do long ago, and host a school party to introduce the club to the school body. Naturally, Zach hopes the Turtles and the Stockmans can be present.

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"Night of the Were-Bat." (Based on an idea from by Harry2.) Krang's new mutagen affects a vampire bat at the zoo named Cassiopeia, who becomes a vain and self-serving creature who comes out at night to party. But because she was around April right before mutating, she looks and sounds a lot like April and the Turtles freak out thinking April is suffering from a were-transformation. April herself starts to become worried wondering if she's doing things she doesn't remember.

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"We All Live in a Pokemon World." (Crossover.) For some curious reason, James from Team Rocket crashes near the Technodrome and everyone encounters Pokemon. Of course, Baxter is utterly fascinated. And Krang hopes to utilize their power to get the Technodrome moving again.

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"Shadow of the Turtlemaniac." (Crossover.) The crazed Turtles fanatic Monroe Q. Flem returns, still wanting the Turtles for his museum and now also wanting to add the Stockmans to his collection.

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"Skeletons in the Closet." One of Barney's former patients resurfaces, determined to separate Barney and Baxter because of his own brother's death.

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"U. F. Foul." (Pokemon inspired, and a light crossover.) Bizarre objects are disappearing, including Michelangelo's pizza pan, Baxter's spare glasses case, and April's Turtle-Comm. The rash of odd thefts seems to be city-wide, and eventually it's tracked to some strange creatures who are constructing a spaceship.

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"Lurking From the Dark." On Halloween night, Michelangelo wants to visit an abandoned house with Baxter. He doesn't plan to go inside, but just being in the yard isn't a good thing, either....

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"Whatever Happened to Irma Langinstein?" (Suggested by Retro Mania.) After Irma accidentally walks in on a mad scientist brainwashing Bebop and Rocksteady to behave differently, she is also affected and starts doing likewise, trading her glasses for contacts, wearing a blonde wig, and behaving like a wild party girl. Meanwhile, the mutants become polite.

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"Fill Your Heart With Love and Joy." Santa returns this Christmas season, happy that Barney is in a much better place than last year. Meanwhile, Barney struggles with what to give for meaningful Christmas gifts.

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"Robots and a Half-Shell." (Crossover, suggested by MasterSmiloid.) The Turtles find themselves fighting a fierce robot called a Robot Master. They barely escape, and soon encounter reinforcements to help them understand what's happening: Megaman, Protoman, Roll, and Bass. Raphael badly clashes with Bass, while Shredder and Krang meet Dr. Wily and decide their goals can't exist at the same time. Dr. Wily tries to wipe them out with his Robot Masters.

"Virtual Krang." Krang finally gets hold of the virtual reality technology he wanted and plunges the city into a VR world that they experience both body and soul. But he wasn't counting on Vincent being able to manipulate the entire world due to its properties.

"The Most Dangerous Game." A crazed hunter puts the Turtles, Splinter, Bebop, and Rocksteady through a bizarre maze on his island, hoping to catch them one by one for his exotic animal collection. While Shredder and Krang don't intend to lift a finger to help their mutants, Baxter and April lead the humans and Vincent to help the captives.

"Nothing to Fear." (DuckTales inspired.) Krang finds the remnants of a blueprint for a fear machine Barney was considering long ago and then rejected. He uses it to make a machine that causes mass hallucinations across the city and causes everyone to see their worst fears come to life.

"The Night of the Wild Wild West." (Crossover.) 1870s Secret Service agents James West and Artemus Gordon come to New York on one of their time-traveling visits to the present-day. Artemus is promptly fascinated by mutants and other scientific breakthroughs while James wonders about the whereabouts of their nemesis Dr. Miguelito Loveless, who is rumored to be in the area.

"Gadget Man, Meet Baxter Stockman." Gadget Man has occasion to run across Baxter due to their shared interest in inventing ... and in creating things to help the Turtles. Although initially wary of each other, they soon get along fine. But no one was expecting Gadget Man's final case from the past to come back and haunt them in the present.

"Social Classes." Vernon finally has a chance to prove himself to his father, but only if he gives up his growing friendship with Irma, which his father says is beneath their family's social status.

"Hot-Rodding Baby-Sitters from Dimension X." Kala, Zak, and Dask come to visit and bring Tribble, whom they are baby-sitting. While she no longer has telekinetic powers (to everyone's relief), she remembers all her friends and adores Barney as well as Baxter, to Barney's utter befuddlement.

"Casey Jones, Man of Business." The Turtles encounter a businessman who seems oddly familiar. Meanwhile at night, Casey Jones is going on another rampage.

"His Brother's Keeper." The Turtles are captured and Barney and Vincent go with Baxter and April in the Turtle Van to save them. But when Bebop and Rocksteady create an explosion in the road that overturns the Van and hurts Baxter, Barney blames himself for not being able to stop it.

"Stuck on You." (TaleSpin inspired.) Krang's force-field handcuffs bind Shredder and Michelangelo together, causing no end of confusion and havoc.

"Slime Okay, You're Okay." (Darkwing inspired.) A slime monster is unleashed in New York City, which ends up slimed to great excess. The problem worsens when anyone who gets hit by the slime becomes another slime monster, and April is hit.

"The Real Folk Blues." (Crossover.) The Turtles meet Lieutenant Kojak and the other police of Manhattan South. Unlike most police they've encountered, Kojak is friendly and open-minded and becomes an ally.

"Clash Reunion." (Title only is taken from Darkwing.) An old classmate of Hamato Yoshi's is in town and wants to see him. Splinter and the Turtles must decide whether to come out and reveal the truth about Yoshi's fate. Meanwhile, Shredder gets wind of the possible reunion and wants to find a way to turn the classmate to his side.

"Geniuses." Baxter and Zach meet again and have to work together with Barney and Vincent when Shredder's latest plot puts the Turtles out of commission.

"Don't Look a Gift Alien in the Mouth." (Darkwing inspired.) Michelangelo meets a cute little alien visiting Earth and takes it to the Lair. Unfortunately, the Turtles learn to their horror that the alien is really an intergalactic criminal on the lam from the law.

More to come!