Stick Positioning

· Soft hands – stick should rest lightly in your fingertips, no death grip. Think “loose and smooth”

· Hand positioning – It is key. Bottom hand should be at bottom of stick, about a foot away from the belly button with the stick at an angle. Top hand should be about three hand’s widths from the top of the stick – about 1/3 of the way down the stick

· Get your hands and arms away from your body. Avoid T-Rex arms (where elbows and arms are in tight by body)

· The stick head should be off the shoulder, the player’s top arm should make an “L” or right angle

The Wrap – when a player catches the ball and cradles across her whole body. This prevents a player from being able to pass quickly. Avoid the wrap.

Cradle - Women’s lacrosse has evolved away from a full, across body cradle. A slight rocking motion with the wrist will keep the ball under control and keep it in the sweet spot

Sweet spot – pocket of your stick under the shooting strings, all passing, catching and shooting should be done from this place in the stick. Get to know your stick and it’s sweet spot.

Catching – “Roll your shoulder” to give with the ball and get into triple threat