Attacking Moves

The seven dodges below can be done right/left handed but they are described below from a right handed perspective.

Split dodge needs to be done with speed – run at defender and when a stick’s length away, pull to left side to make her commit and shift her weight, then pull to the right side and seal her off after beating her

Face/pull dodge – (with stick in right hand) run toward the left when facing defender with speed and at a stick length away, pull across your body to your left side of body, make her commit and then seal off defender, go back to right side and accelerate keeping stick in front to avoid being back checked

Stutter dodge – run at defender with speed, quick footwork on balls of feet to confuse defender and accelerate one side or another. Also can lull a defender to get back on her heels

Roll dodge – run toward defender with speed, use breakdown footwork (chop your steps). Stick/ball in right hand, plant left foot at defender’s center, turn body 90 degrees while switching top hand on stick, roll to defender’s right side and accelerate past while cradling lefty and protecting the stick

Rocker dodge – is half of the roll dodge, go back around to defender’s left side when she is baited by your stick

Question mark dodge – done around the crease, run from behind crease with stick in right hand, get defender to commit to right handed shot, then turn body away from goal and shoot lefty

Z dodge – a great dodge that utilizes drop steps. The ball carrier challenges hard at her defender and then drop steps back at an angle enticing her defender to come after her. She then explodes forward getting a step on her defender and leading with her stick to either shoot or feed.