Attack Terminology

Give & Go – a pass from one player to another, the person who just passed, accelerate and receives ball back

Pick is an offensive technique that is used to free up a teammate with or without the ball. The purpose of a pick is to create some space between an offensive player and her defender so the offensive player can get open to receive the ball. Or, picks can be set for the ball carrier to free her up to get to the cage, or draw a double team to then dump the ball to the open teammate. A pick can occur anywhere on the field. It can be used during a clear, in the 8 meter. Communication and awareness of the pick is critical to defending against the pick. Terms used when defending a pick are: “Pick coming!”, “Watch Pick”, “Pick right”, “Pick left”, “Switch”, “Stay”. When a player hears “Pick Right” she knows her teammate is telling her which side the pick is being set on her so she can be ready. To execute a pick, teammate stands feet firmly planted and is used as a stationary object that the defender of another teammate must move around, used to slow the defender and create space and time for teammate. Feet cannot move during pick, otherwise it is an illegal ‘moving pick’.

Screen – an off ball player moves through a space and her teammate utilizes the space she just vacated to her advantage

2 Woman Game – Refers to 2 people on attack working together to score, the other 5 players are responsible for keeping defense busy and not interrupting the 2 woman game happening

Back door cut – when an attacker moves behind the back defender and asks for the ball

Little Hands – choking up on stick to more easily maneuver through tight spaces

Draw & Dump – usually used during two woman game, when a back door cut is done

Pick & Flash – the attacker rolls off a pick and shows her stick as another option

2nd Option – the first cutter through the 8M is the first option, often the better choice is to wait for the 2nd option, or second cutter, not forcing the play