Test #11- Revolutions of 1848 and the Rise of the Nation-States

Post date: Feb 07, 2011 6:4:42 PM

Camillo di Cavour

Red shirts


Wilhelm I

Napoleon III


Alexander II

Alexander III

Ferdinand I

Frederick William IV

Francis Joseph

Crimean War

Schleswig and Holstein

Austro-Prussian War

Franco-Prussian War

Compromise of 1867

Emancipation of the Serfs 1861


Frankfurt Assembly

Prussian Constituent Assembly




“Blood and Iron”

The Second Reich



William Gladstone

Benjamin Disraeli

Reform Act 1867


Irish Question

EMS Dispatch

1. What were the characteristics of Napoleon III’s gov’t, and how did his foreign policy contribute to the unification of Italy and Germany

2. What actions did Cavour and Bismark take to bring about unification in Italy and Germany, respectively, and what role did war play in their efforts?

3. What efforts for reform occurred in the Austrian Empire and in Russia between 1850 and 1870, and how successful were they in alleviating each nations problems?

4. What was the relationship between nationalism and reform between 1850 and 1871?

5. What were the causes and effects of the Crimean War? Who were the major players?

6. Why do some historians see the Crimean War as the most senseless in European History?

7. What were the causes and effects of the Franco-Prussian war? Who were the major players?

8. Alexander II declared that it is “better to abolish serfdom from above than to wait until it will be abolished by a movement from below.” Explain his statement examining Russia in the late 19th century.