Italian Renaissance Quiz

a) be a warrior and follow a certain standard of conduct.

b) to be born, not made.

c) be interested in the arts.

d) a standard education.

2. In the Italian family, the mother’s chief role was to

a) manage finances.

b) supervise the household.

c) be at the center of the family.

d) make decisions about the children.

3. ___ was called the father of Italian Renaissance humanism.

a) Michelangelo c) Petrarch b) Dante d) Geoffrey Chaucer

4. Dante's Divine Comedy includes all of these sections EXCEPT

a) Hell. c) Earth. b) Heaven. d) Purgatory.

5. Leonardo da Vinci was an excellent example of the Renaissance man's social attributes because he

a) was a politician, and politicians were considered the pinnacle of human achievement.

b) came from a wealthy family and greatly improved his family’s status in society. c) wrote grand romantic poetry and insightful political treatises.

d) was a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, and mathematician.

6. Christine de Pizan is best known for her

a) passionate love affair with Hannibal.

b) works written in defense of women.

c) defense of the poor.

d) long hair.

7. The frescoes painted by ____ have long been regarded as the first masterpieces of early Renaissance art.

a) Michelangelo c) Masaccio

b) Pablo Picasso d) Filippo Brunelleschi

8. In 1528, Castiglione wrote The Book of the Courtier, which

a) was an epic novel of idealized heroism and became a model for Italian men.

b) described the characteristics of a perfect Renaissance noble.

c) instructed rulers to abandon morality as the basis for political activity.

d) taught a new type of recreational badminton.

9. Parents in Renaissance Italy carefully arranged marriages, often to

a) prevent their sons and daughters from marrying below their class.

b) have attractive in-laws.

c) strengthen business or family ties.

d) produce the perfect child.

10. The High Renaissance in Italy is associated with which three artists?

a) Leonardo da Vinci, Jan van Eyck, and Albrecht Dürer

b) Raphael, Donatello, and Jose Saurez

c) Masaccio, Donatello, and Filippo Brunelleschi

d) Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo

1. A noble must have all of these characteristics EXCEPT