Abstract 2018 


オートファジーは真核生物の広い系統で保存されていると考えられている。しかし、モデル生物および人獣病原性生物以外のオートファジーに関する情報は十分とは言えず、真核生物全体でオートファジーがどれほど普遍的かは検証が必要である。その第一歩として、本研究ではオートファジー研究が最も進む酵母・ヒトを含むオピストコンタとその近縁系統を対象に、オートファジー関連遺伝子の有無を調査することでオートファジーの普遍性を検証した。オピストコンタおよびその近縁系統の多様性を考慮した32生物種を対象とし、トランスクリプトームデータに対してアミノ酸配列相同性に基づき ATG8とその関連遺伝子の候補配列を検索した。その結果、微胞子虫を除く全てのオピストコンタおよび近縁系統からオートファジーに必須とされるATG8とその関連遺伝子を検出した。従って、オートファジーはオピストコンタとその近縁系統の分岐以前に確立されていたと予想できる。






オートファジーは細胞内物質循環に関わる機構であり、真核生物の広い系統で保存されていると考えられている。しかし、モデル生物および人獣病原性の生物以外のオートファジー機構に関する情報は十分とは言えず、真核生物全体でオートファジー機構がどれほど普遍的に保存されているかは検証が必要である。そこで、本研究ではオートファジー研究の最も進んだ酵母・ヒトを含むオピストコンタおよびその近縁系統(Apudomonadida、Ancyromonadida、Breviatea)を対象に、オートファジー機構の普遍性を検証した。オピストコンタおよびその近縁系統の多様性を考慮した32生物種を対象とし、トランスクリプトームデータに対してアミノ酸配列相同性に基づきATGとその関連遺伝子の候補配列を検索した。その結果、微胞子虫を除く全てのオピストコンタおよび近縁系統からオートファジーに必須とされる遺伝子ATG8とその関連遺伝子を検出した。従って、オートファジー機構はオピストコンタとその近縁系統が分岐する以前に確立されていたと予想できる。微胞子虫類はRozella allomycesに代表される菌類の最原始系統から分岐したのち、オートファジー機構を二次的に失ったと考えられる。

Orphan protistology, accelerating in Japan

The diversity of microbial eukaryotes (≈ protists), of which understanding is one of the most important and fundamental biological research subjects, is not still understood fully. So many microbial eukaryotes still remain to be found, described, and/or characterized well in various natural environments. Further, some of them are expected to hold key information in considering early eukaryotic evolution, such as establishment & diversification of cytoskeletal structure and acquisition & inheritance of plastids, because they would show not only some unique morphological/ultrastructural characteristics but also a novel and independent early branching lineage in whole eukaryotes. Such protists are also called “orphan protists” and we have been focusing on their evolutionary importance so far. In the poster, we introduce six following orphan protists that we have studied and would like you to share our protistological scheme. Palpitomonas is a marine biflagellate showing the most basal lineage within Cryptista and currently classified into an independent subphylum Palpitia. The studies with Palpitomonas contributed to understand the evolution of not only morphological characteristic but also mitochondrial genome architecture in Cryptista. Tsukubamonas is a biflagellate living in the freshwater and an independent lineage in Discoba, which is a candidate for the earliest branching taxa in whole eukaryotes. Its ultrastructural features and the mitochondrial genome architecture also help to understand the early eukaryotic evolution. Glissandra is a marine gliding biflagellate also. The molecular phylogenetic analysis indicates that Glissandra is a member of recently recognized phylogenetic group called CRuMs. Ultrastructure of Glissandra shed the light on the synapomorphy and early evolution of CRuMs. Meteora is a tiny enigmatic protists with two lateral rowing “arms”. Meteora does not show clear affinity with any eukaryotic lineages and the ultrastructure of the “arms” is unique among eukaryotes, which suggests that Meteora is possibly a novel eukaryotic lineage. Further, the strains SRT605 and SRT308, which have not been described formally yet, are shown to be highly novel lineages, respectively. The strain SRT605 is a small well-branched filose amoeba but it also occasionally changes to a gliding biflagellate. The possibility that SRT605 is related to Amorphea is suggested, therefore, it may have a key to understand the early evolution of Amorphea. The strain SRT308 is a swimming biflagellate that places as a sister lineage of Euglenozoa. Its ultrastructural characteristics show the affinity to both Euglenozoan and the typical excavates, which fill a gap of early euglenozoan evolution.【Best Poster Award】

Phylogenomics approach to the early evolution of Foraminifera 

Foraminifers have diverse/various types of materials for their tests, namely hyaline calcareous, porcelaneous calcareous, agglutinated, and pseudochitinous. Such diversity in test-material has not been found in any group of eukaryotes except foraminifers, and prompts many paleontological studies to tackle the foraminiferal evolution. For the order-level foraminiferal phylogey, BouDagher-Fadel (2008) proposed Allogromida with pseudochitinous tests as the most basal branching group prior to the separation of Taxtulariida with agglutinated tests and Milliolida with porcelaneous calcareous tests. However, this hypothesis based on fossil records remains the position of Rotaliida with hyaline calcite tests unclear in the foraminiferal tree. Noteworthy, a potentially serious problem in fossil record-based studies is that water-soluble or fragile tests could have been lost, causing sporadic fossil records of particular foraminifers. An alternative scenario for the foraminferal phylogeny was proposed based on a molecular phylogeny of small subunit rRNA sequences (Pawlowski et al., 2013). In this scenario, the ancestral foraminiferal group, Alloromida, was diverged into two dependent agglutinated groups (Textulariida and Spirillinida), and Milliolida and Rotallida were emerged separately from Textilariida and Spirillinida, respectively, in the latter foraminiferal evolution. Unfortunately, the rRNA phylogeny failed to resolve the relationship among the aforementioned orders in foraminifers with high statistical support. Thus, we need a phylogenomic dataset to elucidate the relationship among major groups in foraminifers with confidence. In this study, we generated and analyzed a 125-gene dataset containing representative species of each of Taxtulariida, Spirillinida, Milliolida and Rotaliida, together with the genome data from Retisulomyxa filosa (Allogromida). Our phylogenomic analysis provides the concrete ground to discuss the unresolved issues in early foraminiferal evolution.

Mitochondrial genome of strain SRT308: insights into structure and gene content of the ancestral euglenozoan mitochondrial genome

Euglenozoa is a large protist assemblage comprising three major subgroups, namely Euglenida, Diplonemea and Kinetoplastea. Members of this assemblage are known for a large diversity in mitochondrial (mt) genome structure. The mt genome of Euglena gracilis, a representative of euglenids, are likely composed of multiple linear chromosomes, which harbor only 6 protein-coding genes and fragmented ribosomal RNA genes. No RNA editing has been detected in the transcripts from Euglena mt genome. Diplonemid mitochondrial genomes were found to comprise multiple minicircular chromosomes, each of which carries a partial gene fragment, and initial transcripts from the mt minicircles receive both trans-splicing and RNA editing to yield mature mRNAs. Mitochondria of members of Kinetoplastea contain a complex network of two types of circular chromosomes, maxicircles and minicircles, and mt gene transcripts are edited intensively prior to translation. To understand how the complex genome structures and RNA editing mechanisms observed among the extant euglenozoans emerged, it is important to infer the mt genome structure of the ancestral euglenozoan. The aforementioned issue can be addressed by analyzing the mt genome of a novel protist strain SRT308, which was placed robustly at the base of the Euglenozoan clade in our phylogenomic analysis based on 153 nucleus-encoded gene sequences. We successfully reconstructed the complete SRT308 mt genome of 61 Kb in length in this study. In this mt genome, we identified 35 open reading frames (ORFs) and 29 structural RNA genes (2 and 27 are rRNA and tRNA genes, respectively). 19 out of the 35 ORFs are functionally assignable, and some of them were not found in Euglena, Diplonema or kinetoplastids. The SRT308 mt genome suggests that this protist (and the ancestral euglenozoan as well) possesses the mt genome larger in both size and gene content than the euglenozoan mt genomes studied to date. 

Paracercomonas sp. KMO002株のシアノバクテリア捕食に伴う遺伝子発現変化

光合成生物である微細藻類の細胞には,光合成色素であるクロロフィルが大量に含有される。このクロロフィルは,光増感作用により強い細胞毒性を示す一重項酸素を発生させる性質を有する(光毒性)。近年の研究において,微細藻類捕食性のプロティストの多くが,光毒性によるストレスを回避するため,クロロフィルを13 2 ,17 3 -cyclopheophorbideenols(CPE類)に代謝を行い,光毒性を回避していることが分かってきた。しかし,捕食性プロティストの生化学的な研究では,餌生物との二者以上の共培養系が要求されるため,研究が困難であった。本研究では,まず,福井市西部の丹生山地北部のため池から単離した,Paracercomonas sp. KMO002株(バクテリア捕食株)を用いて,シアノバクテリア(Synechococcus elongates PCC7942)を餌とした二者培養株(シアノバクテリア捕食株)を確立した。次に,KMO002株の発現遺伝子解析をおこない,シアノバクテリア捕食株と非光合成バクテリア捕食株との比較トランスクリプトーム解析を試みた。非光合成バクテリア捕食時には,飢餓応答を示唆する脂質代謝やオートファジー関連の遺伝子の発現量の上昇が認められ,細胞内における窒素リソースの枯渇が起きている可能性が考えられた。一方,シアノバクテリア捕食時では,活性酸素種などによるストレスに応答する遺伝子の発現量の上昇が確認された。