Soupy Micronutrient Fertilizer

Post date: Aug 27, 2014 9:36:07 PM

The micronutrient fertilizer is a blend of secondary and trace elements which are essential for plant growth and productivity. This, when adequately mixed with conventional fertilizer or farm yard manure provides a balanced Composition of essential nutrients to plants for higher yield.

Expected impact of your idea on sustainable development

Improve farmers yield, food security and increase farmers income, encourage local food production. Processing and packaging industries can be developed and be established, which will help to preserve farm produce. The product will also help to reduce cost of production.

Plans for implementation and sustainability

I intend to secure a grant from either the government of Benue state or federal government of Nigeria. I wish to work with local farmers through the federal ministry and state ministries of agriculture, farmers association, and the ministry of mineral and water resources of Nigeria.