Appropriate tech ideas


Animal draw harvester

Moldboard plaughs

Multi row seeding attachment

Cotton seed drill

Green manure trampler

Chaff cutters, manually operated

Paddy thrashers, pedal operated

seed and fertilizer drill

Portable corn grinding machine

Sugar beet and sugar cane crushers


Kerosine or butane refrigerators

Wind mill operated generator

Pedal operated electric generator

Microhydro power plant

Small portable steam engine using low grade fuel

Solar cookers

Solar Heaters

Non transport use for bicycle mechanism


Chemical-Rubber articles

Hand operated plastic machinery

Home size gelatine capsule making machinery

Vegetable oil processing

Small petrochemical project based on refinery by products

Urea mineral and molasses block as supplementary feed to livestock

Refining used lubricating oil

Vegetable dyes

Purifying sheep lanolin for shampoo or cream

Food industries

Oil expelling machinery for oil seed crops, groundnuts, sunflower seeds

Canning machinery for fruits and pineapples

Vegetable processing unit

Storage of vegetables

Drying of vegetables

Sun drying of vegetables and fruits

Tomato canning machinery

Groundnut roasting machinery

Manufacture of glucose from tapoica starch

Tobacco curing

Building, wood and packing

Brush and broom making equipment

Saw milling and wood working equipment

Timber seasoning

Hardboard making machinery

Craft papers and building boards from papyrus

Hessian sack manufacturing

Paper bags for cement

paper pulp from kneaf

Blotting paper for schools

Fiber waste utilization to make useful products

Light weight sheet from maize stalks,sugar cane waste...

Small scale cement plant


Improvement of spinning wheels

Improvement of manually operated looms

waste cotton utilization

Manufacture of surgical cotton

Techniques for improving weaving quality

Techniques to improve printing quality of textiles


Incubators, kerosine or methane operated


Poultry feed made from oilseed cakes, vegetable leaf protein

Processing and packing feathers


Pottery making equipment

Zip fastener machinery

Reconditioning car batteries

Book matches from waste paper

Pencil making machinery

Candle making

Other list of very low capital project ideas with complete profiles are found in Projectethio 400: details of 400 project ideas in Ethiopia