Green Shopping Bags

Post date: Aug 27, 2014 9:30:20 PM

Summary of your idea

Green Shopping Bags is a Green Business Idea which replaces single use Plastic and Nylon made Shopping Bags with Reusable Eco-friendly Shopping Bags. Afghanistan after three decades of war faced high growth of Population, Businesses, Development and return of Immigrants from Neighbor Countries. Limit or zero Ecological and Environmental activities, low Educational level and Illiteracy, use of high Pollution productive masses by Public, National and International forces. Use of used Plastic Products as Energy productive masses by Public, Households, Restaurants, Bakeries, Public places…. No any Governmental planes, activities and institutions for control of Ecology and Environment, Wild live…, especially in last one decade rated this Country as a Polluted Country among Developing Countries. Green Shopping Bags will be made of local Green Eco-friendly Organic Cotton Products instead of Plastic and Nylon Products and it will save and help our Country toward a Green and Pollution free Environment and Ecology.

Expected impact of your idea on sustainable development

Social Sustainability Workforce: Will be selected from local community and priority will be given to disabled females. Target Customers: Our target Customers will be Individuals and Public. Customers will be attracted by rewarding a Free Eco-friendly Green Bag and discount at the time of our Sales purchase. Environmental Sustainability Hazardous Substances & Waste: Instead of producing any Waste and Hazardous Substances it reduces use of Plastic Shopping Bags and saves Ecology and Environment. O2: Local Organic Healthy Greens and Vegetables used as Sales, for Sustainability of Free Eco-friendly Green Bags Idea, and Cotton Plant will make Environment Green, produce Oxygen and reduce Co2. Energy Source: for production of Bread as a Sales product, GSB Idea will use Gas as Energy Productive Mass instead of Wood and Coal use. It will reduce Co2 and Waste produced by Wood and Coal used by Bakeries. Economic Sustainability Efficiency: Workforces will be selected from Local Community, Job Opportunities, and Market for Local Greens, Wheat and Local Raw Materials. Productivity: Products are Eco-friendly Shopping Green Bags; Made of Local Cotton Material in two forms of Simple Green Bags and Green Meshed Net Bags. It will be in different colors and styles to meet requirements and satisfaction of Customers and Consumers. Profit: Eco-friendly GSBs are rewarded Free of Charge and Costs will be covered by Profits earned from Sales. Sales include Bread and Organic Healthy Greens and Vegetables, Sales are used to cover the cost of Free Eco-friendly Bags, running and other costs including liabilities. Sales: Products of our on Street Stores will be Bread and Healthy Organic Greens and Vegetables, Sales will be offered and sold for sustainability of the Green Idea Business and profit earned by Sales will cover Green Bags and running costs.

Plans for implementation and sustainability

Enterprise: GSB Sector: Manufacturing Products: Reusable Eco-friendly Cotton GSB Legal Status: NGO, for Profit Location: Balkh, Afghanistan Nature of The Business: Produce GSB to reduce use of Plastic and Nylon Made Shopping Bags to save Ecology & Environment. Create Job Opportunities and Market for Local Agricultural Products. Key Success Factors: Environmental activities, use of Local Resources and Agricultural Products, Respect and use of Local Human Resources and their Knowledge. Staff and Customers support the Social Mission and GSB is an Eco-friendly Green Business. Asset & Inventory: Equipment and facilities will be purchased and rented. Financial Status: For initial investment, loan will be borrowed from a Microfinance Institution, but for sustainability it uses Sales Products. Initial Investment: Each on Street Market Store operated by initial investment of 2,000 – 3,000 USD, and each Store create Job Opportunities for at least 3-5 Locals. Relationship with Partners /Donors: GSB idea is in Planning Stage, but follows Partnership and Sub-Contractor Policy with small and large Businesses keen to invest in Green Businesses. Summary of the Business’ History: Green Shopping Bags Idea is in its Planning Stage. VISION: Reach and involve a large group of Individuals and Public to receive information and be aware of Environment and Ecology changes, Global warming…. Mission: To reduce Plastic and Nylon Shopping Bags usage, and instead offers and produces Cotton Made reusable Eco-friendly Green Bags to save the Environment. Short-Term Objectives: Profit earned by Sales will cover cost of Free of Charge GSB, Running Costs and Liabilities, and results in Sustainability of Business. Long-Term Objectives: Plans to grow steadily over the next five to ten years, becoming the Premier Provider of GSBs at national level. Expansion of GSB Business, increase of investments, purchasing and installing Machineries will allow accepting any national and international orders for its Eco-friendly GSB Products.