Production of mushroom from molasses of sugar cane

Post date: Aug 27, 2014 9:33:16 PM

“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children’s children.”(Theodore Roosevelt) The development of society somehow has made human confront serious problems, including the serious pollution of environment. For example the molasses poses a threat to the environment despite its merits. Most of the chemicals, which are used in the refining process of cane sugar, eventually find their way into the waste residue, which is the molasses. Therefore, human body not only suffers from the harmful effect of the sugar but also toxic chemicals: Sulphur dioxide… Additionally, the massive amount of hydrocarbon can cause pollution once released to the nature. In developing countries like Viet Nam, that 40 sugar factories with capacity of 127600 tons per day can produce 1,45 million tons per year shows the unbelievably huge amount of it, not to mention the great powers: Japan, US…whose production volume rose to millions of tons. The question is that what people will use molasses for instead of regarding it as a danger to the environment. We realize that using molasses in planting white clamshell mushroom not only helps to reduce its amount but also brings advantages. Moreover, to the world ‘s largest sugar beet industries: Germany, Russia…molasses of sugar beet also helps the mushrooms to develop well because of the alike nutrients. White clamshell mushrooms has always been known as the” sacred medicine” in lots of countries especially in Asia. It is scientifically proved to be a fresh, nutritious food, which assists to reduce blood pressure; prevent diabetes, gastric ulcer; protect liver and cure infectious disease blood fats. Doing the experiment successfully makes me believe that this idea can have a strong influence on human life.

Expected impact of your idea on sustainable development

This project will definitely have a gigantic, positive impact on life of millions of global citizens due to its protecting the environment and providing people with a valuable source of food. According to the report of Sugarpub in 2012, Japan’s sugar consumption for 2010/11 was forecast at 2,1 million metric tons while China’s production of sugar reached to 14 million metric tons. This statistics showed that the destruction of environment by fast growth of sugar industry is just a matter of time. Confronting such a problem, the idea will assist to solve the matter in some ways and increase the productivity of growing this kind of mushroom. To the best of my knowledge, White clamshell mushroom, nowadays, is planted on the dust timber, dry or wet bagasse. These traditional methods waste a great deal of time, efforts and depend greatly on the weather. As a result, the industrious farmers only can harvest in 2 seasons: from January to March, from October to December. This phenomenon directly brings about low annual productivity. Undoubtedly, by applying the molasses into the producing process, we can make use of the redundant end product to produce mushroom, create financial efficiency, reduce pollution, and raise the sense of initiative of the farmers. On top of that, the number of biomass will be higher and the growth’s speed of mushrooms planted by convention will pale in comparison with it of the new method. This is definitely what every farmer long for all the time. The cheap and available materials ensure that the whole project is totally practical and can be applied worldwide. In a word, the ideal will promote environmental protection and standards of living.

Plans for implementation and sustainability

Firstly, we want to emphasize on the practicality of the idea. Winning third prize in the Intel ISEF competition in Viet Nam gave us motivation to move on, complete and invest as much as we can in this project. Because the project deals with the biological field, priority is given to the possibility of the idea. Succeeding in the experiment, receiving certificate for that witness to the accuracy of the given information. The production is divided into 5 steps: dilute molasses at suitable ratio, sterilize by heat, create suitable nutritious environment, collect biomass, and dry it. The reliable results show that with the same amount of breed (5 gram), we can collect 47,25 gram (highest) in the environment into which the new method is applied and 34,5 gram (lowest) in the environment with no treatment. According to the result examined by the national biology institution, clamshell mushroom planted by molasses can last longer, have natural color and be cleaner than those in two other environments. In the process, we referred to the reference books such as: Campel , “ vi sinh vat hoc: by Ngo Giang Lien and consulted some professors specialized in this field. That the project does not cost much at all is extremely important to the popularization. The materials needed for the production can be taken from other processing like glair. Moreover, if we cultivate mushroom in the environment mixed with glair, we can obtain more biomass than in normal environment. Secondly, we shall organize some lectures to let the world see the prospects of it. Then, we can establish groups of competent people to propagate, create systemic belief and help the factories. Finally, we really hope that you can see that it is achievable and the benefits it brings to our life.