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The first starch production plant in Ethiopia

Yitbarek Alemu, owner and manager of Yitbarek Alemu Starch, Chemical & Adhesive Industry, shows us designing is not all there is, rolling up your sleeves and doing it is what it takes. His company produces 1000kg export standard starch per day from Enset ,‘false banana’- a staple in southern areas of Ethiopia, and is planning on expanding to 3000Kg/day. This is how to start small and develop the market.He is also investigating the potentials of potato and cassava as additional raw materials.He uses sun light to evaporate water that is used in the extraction of starch! and produces adhesives from part of the starch which is text book principle: diversify the product! He is selling the adhesive to breweries and mineral water factories for use as bottle labels binder. The road is not easy though: there is less trust for locally produced materials even if they are export standard. I read that the total investment was not as expected initially (assumptions in plant design?) and it was around 8 million(2 years ago). Don´t get discouraged, there is a way out ! He finally has done it.

The message is clear. I urge you to take time to know more about investing first (something we missed to learn in school) then use your chem eng and esp. plant design knowledge.

Stay motivated!

Sources: Capital Ethiopia

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