Thesis Ideas

Ten experimental final project ideas for chemical engineers

These are ten experimental final project ideas for chemical engineers

Project ideas having high relevance for developing countries like Ethiopia


1.Animal glue production (experimental)

2.Biodegradable Plastic using Cassava starch as a component

3.Trans-Esterified Used-Cooking Oil as Substitute to Diesel

4.Dried Papaya Leaves as Organic Mulch

5.Briquettes from biomass

6.Cassava Leaf Extract as an Acid-Base Indicator

7.Purifying Used Cooking Oil for use as a fuel-includes lab based production

8.Hand Made Paper

9.Investigatory project on potential uses of rapeseed meal

10.Moringa Oleifera Seeds ( called Shiferwa in Amharic) for Water Treatment in Water-Stressed Areas


for 1-8

More to come

Laboratory based final project ideas for chemical engineers in Ethiopia


Pumps account for an incredible 10% of the world’s total electricity consumption. However, a large proportion of that is wasted. Energy saving opportunities are always there in pumping systems of industries and saving techniques are also abundantly found in websites, including text book techniques we know.

In this blog, I would like to provide a concept map for all the saving opportunities out there. You may go on and plan a pump energy saving consulting business (specially those developing country students) that after doing a study that applies

Read project ideas

NEW!!!! 10 New and innovative sustainable technologies for developing countries

Further research is required for this concept maps and you may innovate on them further!!

Thesis ideas on energy efficiency on sugar processing

5 more on bio gas

Date 06, 06,2011

Energy efficiency in sugar processing


1. Multiple effect evaporator:

Adding one evaporator to the original decreases the energy consumption to 50% of the original amount. Adding another effect reduces it to 33% and so on.

2. Falling film evaporator

Falling film evaporator has the advantage of gravity pulling the film down ward. This results in a thinner, faster moving film, gives high heat transfer coefficient and can be operated with very low temperature differences between the heating media and the boiling liquid, and they also have very short product contact times, typically just a few seconds per pass.

3.Fully Automated Continuous Vacuum Pans for Curing

Besides the automation facilities, the continuous vacuum pans have many advantages:

  • There is no heat injury to the sugar crystal, due to reduced hydrostatic head and lower boiling point elevation.
  • The use of smaller diameter tubes provides greater heating area per unit of calendria. This aspect gives more flexibility on thermal conditions of the steam that can be used.
  • This also allows maximum evaporation rates, commensurate with maximum possible crystallisation rates

4. Bagasse drier

Increases caloric value, heat recovery from flue gas and saving in bagasse

5. Improved combustion conditions

Date 01,2011

1. Modelling of micro hydro-PV hybrid energy system

Solar and hydro have excellent complementary characteristics, dry seasons have excellent solar resources and rainy seasons have excellent hydro. This project is about modeling of the energy system for rural load of light bulbs, grinder,school load and water pumping load in HOMER. Read more on OARE.

2. Model development and validation for 10KW solar power plant in poly

Everyone at least saw the solar panel in our campus. This project is about developing a computer model that can simulate the operation of the panels, i.e current,voltage, energy output battery state of charge, capacity factor sand compare them with the measure values. The model is then validated using actual measurements of important outputs.

3. Solar industrial process heat applications in Ethiopian industries

Solar industrial process heat play a vital role in reducing fuel costs. Solar heat has application in low temperature process industries such as food, textile and beer. Solar thermal power plants provide part of the steam or hot water demand in these factories leading to significant fossil fuel reduction. These contribute to economy, environment and finance.

4. Biomass gasification for rural electrification applications

This is also one potential option for rural electrification in Ethiopia. Tasks may include, gassifier design, energy use modeling and simulation. Also using HOMER, alternative solar,wind and bomass can be compared for rural area to rank alternatives.

5. Biogas burner design for bio Metad.

This is a typical application of combustion theory. Burner design for cookers is a well established science. But adapting the design to unique characteristics of Injera baking is a major task. Already trials are there in Selam vocational training center but the issue of uniform heat transfer needs to be dealt with.

More info; read the proposal in thesis collection section.

6. Design and development of biodiesel stove

This is project is proposed by the regions energy Biro and is likely to have fund. The unique problem with bio diesel is the viscosity making it travel a limited distance along the stove wick.

Therefore, it burns with less flame length. Properties and dimensions of the wick, design of the stove and the use of construction materials are unique challenges to be addressed.

7. Cost reduction through optimization of fixed dome bio gas digester design

This is also another project of priority by the energy Biro. Major tasks are reducing the cost of building the digester. Optimization of design, use of alternative construction materials and enhancing the gas production are optional ways for cost reduction.

8. Production of solid fuel from bio diesel waste

The energy Biro also gives priority for this project. The solid waste after the production of bio diesel can be used as domestic fuel. The project is briquette production from the solid waste.

It is simple but valuable idea that can be converted to small business..

9. The national bio gas program also identified the following major research areas;

  1. Development and testing of new, and alterations to, biogas designs and applications in cooperation with biogas companies and manufacturers of appliances in order to make them more efficient and better adapted to the rural household;
  2. Solving technical problems related to the construction, operation, maintenance and repair of biogas plants including the appliances;
  3. Standardization of designs of biogas plants and appliances (gas tap, stove, water taps) as well as construction and manufacturing methods;
  4. cost reduction of biogas installations;
  5. Improving the efficiency of biogas plants (gas production and utilisation);
  6. Research to support extension (and the development of extension materials) on the optimal use of composted slurry as fertiliser.

More non technical research ideas,

see attached document, NBP_implementation_document_Ethiopia_2008.pdf , Page 47

Below is a compilation of thesis ideas on Chemical engineering and sustainable energy engineering.

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The following websites also host a number of research topics. They might help formulate thesis ideas

This is also very helpful for Chemical and food process engineering students