
The Lit Review Example

The following entry is based upon this article.

Name of reviewer: Sarah Briney

Source: Magazine/Journal Article

Bibliographic info:

Education Trust-West. (2004) The A-G curriculum: College prep? Work

prep? Life prep. Understanding and implementing a rigorous core

curriculum for all. Education Trust-West.


This article defines A-G for the reader and outlines why A-G requirements are more than just a list of required classes. This article explains that while requiring students to complete a set of rigorous college-prep courses will not only prepare them for the challenges of college, but also for the workplace and for life in general. It divides up major notions about the stereotypes of A-G and answers these untruthful claims and concerns that educators may have in implementing A-G courses and curriculum into their schools.


I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this article and drawing analogies to our own curriculum and students. It explains A-G in a basic format and would be good to use with parents and with students to increase the awareness of A-G as well as explain the importance of A-G coursework. While some ideas or concerns from the article might not apply to El Segundo, its overall point of view and message of implementing rigorous coursework to benefit students' lives is paramount and well-explained.