
February 4, 2009

ESHS Parent/Community Home Group

February 4, 2009 Meeting Minutes


Jim Garza, Principal

Nancy Cobb, WASC Chairman

Toni Lipscomb

Windri Barriga

Beth Muraida, PTA President

Brenda Colbert

Denise Sanchez

Jayne Pimlott, Parent Home Group Chairman

Jenny Davies

Leticia Barbosa

Nancy Reimann

Patricia Guzman

Ann Coles

Mrs. Denis Sanchez

Jayne Pimlott welcomed attendees at 6:17 P.M. in the Hall of Fame room.

Nancy Cobb reported final copies of the WASC report are available on the school’s website and hard copies are available upon request.

Nancy/Jim reiterated the role of parents in the WASC decision-making process we’ve been through in order to develop the Action Plan and WASC report. The impact of pending budget cuts due to state funding shortfalls and the economy were discussed in relationship to the WASC visit. The budget process was a collaborative effort of district and site administrators. All districts in California are facing budget issues and ESHS is probably better situated than most schools in dealing with the cuts.

The visitation schedule has been set up and was reviewed with the parents. PTA will help with refreshments for the reception. Beth Muraida is putting together ‘Welcome’ gift bags for the visiting committee members. The Chamber of Commerce Director, Marsha Hansen, is helping solicit donations. The reception is 5:00 to 6:00 p.m., Sunday, March 1, 2009 in the Library. Everyone involved with the school is invited to the reception.

The visiting committee will meet with parents and community members in the Hall of Fame room from 6:00 to 6:45 p.m. on Sunday. Historically, there are no school administrators or staff in this session so the committee can get candid views from the parents and community in a friendly, collegial atmosphere. Possible topics of discussion were reviewed. We should be familiar with our identified Critical Academic Needs as what’s needed for ESHS to go to the next step.

A discussion regarding follow-up on the Hispanic parent meeting led into the possibility of mandatory lunchtime tutoring. As discussed in the WASC report that is not an option at this point due to a concern by the District auditors that we wouldn’t meet the State minutes requirements of having participation by 33% of students by grade. It was also repeated that the feedback received to include a service project requirement was never raised during the WASC process. Additionally, in the past teachers did extensive research into the possibility and found the idea to be too costly and no staff interest in leading it.

A wrap-up Parent/Community Home Group meeting may be scheduled after the WASC visit.

Jim acknowledged his outstanding staff for their hard work to create the best possible learning environment for the students and carrying on with business as usual during the trying economic times.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Submitted by: Jayne Pimlott