Younger Members

Younger Members Task Force

Task Force Leader: Tugce Baser

Younger Member Task Force (YMTF) is formed within the TC308 Energy Geotechnics targeting to encourage the involvement of young members as well as students and actively engage them with the committee activities. Although Energy Geotechnics is relatively young in our profession, increasing awareness and significant work that has been done to provide solutions on sustainable energy resources and their management attract especially young members of the community. Because the new generation of geotechnical engineers are the future problem solvers and critical thinkers, developing motivation among young member population is crucial and the task force holds a key role in securing the long-term vision and future of TC308. Therefore, the YMTF strategically identified goals and objectives are to: (1) increase new and young membership within TC 308, (2) actively manage YM participation at all levels within the TC308 activities and events in all regions, (3) facilitate the creation of new activities, (4) connect young members with trendsetters and leaders in the community, (5) increase the awareness of the numerous opportunities to YM, and (6) enhance the participation of YMs within TC 308 through leadership, practice development, and networking opportunities. The YMTF aims to facilitate the development and growth of TC308.