Task Forces
Committee Task Forces:
The following seven technical task forces and three professional have been identified. Technical task forces T-I and T-II are mainly associated with energy production; task forces T-III and T-IV with energy conversion and storage; and task forces T-V and T-VI with storage of highly pollutant waste from the energy sector and CO2. Technical ask force T-VII is associated with other geotechnical activities related to energy not contemplated in the previous task forces, Task force T-VIII is associated with the fundamental geomechanics frameworks that are in common with all of the different task forces, and Task force T-IX is involved with low carbon geotechnical engineering. Professional task force P-1 is involved with public outreach, professional task force P-2 is involved with engagement of younger members, professional task force P-3 is involved with awards, and P-4 is involved with academia-practice relations. Please visit each link in the drop-down menu above to learn more about each task force.
Technical Task Forces
T-I) Hydrate Bearing Sediments (Task Force Leader: Sheng Dai)
T-II) Unconventional Hydrocarbons and Hydraulic Fracturing (Task Force Leader: Ingrid Tomac)
T-III) Energy Geo-Structures and Storage of Thermal Energy in the Ground (Task Force Leader: Fleur Loveridge)
T-IV) Energy Geo-storage (Task Force Leader: Frank Wuttke)
T-V) High Level Radioactive Waste Disposal (Task Force Leader: Antonio Gens).
T-VI) Carbon Dioxide Geological Storage (Task Force Leader: Jean-Michel Pereira)
T-VII) Other Geotechnical Activities Related to the Energy Sector (Task Force Leader: Giovanna Biscontin)
T-VIII) Fundamentals of Geo-Energy (Task Force Leader: Tomasz Hueckel)
T-IX) Low Carbon Geotechnical Engineering (Task Force Leader: Alessandro Tarantino)
Professional Task Forces
P-1) Public outreach (Task Force Leader: John McCartney)
P-2) Younger members (Task Force Leader: Tugce Baser)
P-3) Awards (Task Force Leader: Guillermo Narsilio)
P-4) Academia-Industry Partnership for Innovation in Energy Geotechnics (TaskForce Leader: Alessandro F. Rotta Loria)