


  • John McCartney, Marcelo Sánchez and Ingrid Tomac have recently published a review paper aimed at identifying the main areas of research in Energy Geotechnics and the associated key contributions. The paper is entitled “Energy Geotechnics: Advances in Subsurface Energy Recovery, Storage, Exchange, and Waste Management”. It is available at

  • The Themed issue of the Journal Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment ‘SEG-2015-Part I’, presents papers selected by the TC308 from abstracts submitted to the Symposium on Energy Geotechnics (SEG-2015) hold in Barcelona, Spain, between June 2nd and 4th, 2015. This special issue consists of eight papers selected from the invited and technical presentations after a Journal peer-review process. The Part I of the special issue is now published and can be found online at:

  • The Themed issue of the Journal Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment ‘SEG-2015-Part II’ is a continuation of the Part I described above and will present (around) 8 more papers selected by the TC308 from abstracts submitted to the SEG-2015. This special issue is at advanced stages of the peer-reviewing process and it is expected to be published by the end of this year.

  • The Themed issue of the Journal Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment ‘Position Papers on Energy Geotechnics’ will contain (around) 8 position papers associated with the TC308 Task Forces. These positions papers were presented at the SEG-2015. This special issue is expected to be published earlier next year.

  • The Themed issue of the Journal Environmental Geotechnics ‘XV Pan-American Conference: Selected papers on Energy Geotechnics’, presents 8 pee-review papers (following typical journal guidelines) submitted to the Sessions on Energy Geotechnics organized by the TC308 at the XV Pan-American Conference hold in Buenos Aires, Nov. 2015. This paper are extended versions of the one submitted to the Conference. This special issue is currently in-print.

  • All the papers accepted at the 1st ICEGT will be published in a Proceeding by CRC Press Balkema – Taylor & Francis Group. Editors: Frank Wuttke, Sebastian Bauer and Marcelo Sanchez. The Conference Proceedings is currently in-print.