In the last few years geotechnical engineering has expanded its domain into the field of Energy Geotechnics. This has led to the study of the behavior of soils and rocks under complex and extreme conditions involving mechanical, hydraulic, thermal, and geochemical coupled actions. This branch of geotechnical engineering will play a fundamental role in the near future due to the increase in energy demands in the next decades associated with economic development and population growth worldwide. Geotechnical engineering is often at the core of the energy challenge, from production and transportation, to waste management and carbon sequestration. The goal of geotechnical engineers is to provide sustainable geotechnical solutions for these energy related society’s needs.
We would like to announce that our committee has new leadership: Guillermo Narsilio is the new chair, Alessio Ferrari is the vice-chair, and Camelia Atefi-Monfared is the secretary.
Our committee would also like to announce that it has been awarded by ISSMGE the 'Outstanding Technical Committee Award' for the activities conducted during the period 2013-2017. More details can be found at the following link.
The updated International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) terms of reference for our committee can be found at the link at the bottom of this page.
The main objectives of this technical committee are summarized as follows:
Objective 1:Disseminate knowledge and practice in the area of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering associated with Energy Geotechnics including as examples, thermal/cooling effects on soil and rock behavior; effect of high-pressure cycles in soils; hydraulic fracturing, coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical and Chemical processes in soils and rocks:
Organize specialty conferences, symposiums and workshops.
Symposium on “Energy Geotechnics”, SEG-2015. Barcelona, Spain, 1st to 3rd June, 2015.
1st International Conference on Energy Geotechnics. (ICEGT-2016) Kiel, Germany, 29th to 31st August, 2016.
Symposium on “Energy Geotechnics”, SEG-2018. Lausanne, Switzerland, 25th to 28th September, 2018.
2nd International Conference on Energy Geotechnics. (ICEGT-2020), La Jolla, CA, USA. 20-23 September, 2020.
Promote sessions sponsored by the Energy Geotechnics Committee on related topics at ISSMGE sponsored international and regional conferences on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering.
Encourage preparation of keynote lectures, state-of-the-art lectures including new technology, general reports for conferences organized by the International Society, regional conferences and conferences organized by Member societies.
Promote benchmark exercises to establish the capabilities of current theoretical frameworks and prediction methodologies in the area of Energy Geotechnics.
Compile case studies, publications, and modulate teaching materials relevant to Energy Geotechnics to be built in as part of current geotechnical courses or shared online to promote education and interests in Energy Geotechnics.
Objective 2
To establish guidelines and technical recommendations within the Energy Geotechnics subject area:
Promote the exchange of information about standards, guidelines and testing procedures related to Energy Geotechnics problems identified in the list of tasks below.
Objective 3
Assist with technical programs of international and regional conferences organized by the ISSMGE:
Promote the presentation of the findings of the TC in main sessions and discussion sessions.
Objective 4
Interact with industry and overlapping organizations working in areas related to the TC’s specialist area:
Identify overlapping organizations and decide how to interact with them.
Cooperate actively with other technical committees whose field of activity involves important questions related to Energy Geotechnics: TC 212 Deep Foundations; TC 106 Unsaturated Soils; TC209 Offshore Geotechnics; TC307 Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering; TC215 Environmental Geotechnics, TC105 Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, TC103 Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, and TC307 Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering