
Awards Task Force

Task Force Leader: Guillermo Narsilio

This task force cut across all others in the TC308 Energy Geotechnics and in particular complements and supports the activities of the “Public Outreach” and “Young Member” Task Forces. This new task force will have as a first goal to establish awards and mechanisms to recognize those ISSMGE members who have made important contributions to Energy Geotechnics. A second goal include the promotion of such awards within the TC’s sponsored events to not only raise the profile of awardees but of Energy Geotechnics within the ISSMGE and society at large. This includes coordinating “Outstanding Technical Committee” submissions to ISSMGE and supporting TC308’s members in nominating for ISSMGE awards. A third and final goal, perhaps more challenging and longer term, is to establish endowments to assist i) young members ii) female colleagues, and iii) colleagues from developing countries with awards to attend and present at selected international events.