
Committee Leadership:

Committee Chair: Guillermo Narsilio

Committee Vice-Chair: Alessio Ferrari

Committee Secretary: Camelia Atefi-Monfared

Committee Task Force Leaders:

Tomasz Hueckel (Fundamentals of Geo-Energy)

Sheng Dai (Gas Hydrate Sediments)

Ingrid Tomac (Unconventional Hydrocarbons, Hydraulic Fracturing)

Fleur Loveridge (Energy Geo-Structures)

Frank Wuttke (Energy Geo-storage)

Antonio Gens (High Level Radioactive Waste Disposal)

Jean-Michel Pereira (Carbon Dioxide Geological Storage)

Giovanna Biscontin (Other Geotechnical Activities Related to the Energy Sector)

Low carbon geotechnical engineering (Alessandro Tarantino)

John McCartney (Website and Public Outreach)

Guillermo Narsilio (Awards)

Tugce Baser (Younger Members)