
    • Double-throw switches on single-throw circuits mean you have a ready backup in case of corrosion...
    • Harbor Freight sells a multi-function tool for about $35 - can't live without it:
    • Get Vessel Assist, and carry a handheld as well as main VHF (I realized almost too late that with my mast down for repair I had no main VHF...)
    • Know how to deploy your anchor in a hurry. Almost every problem you could encounter inside the bay can be solved with an anchor.
    • Carry spares (contactor, switches, cables, fuses, etc)
    • Carry a genny - EU2000 is a good choice but I use an el cheapo -- it starts reliably
    • Hire a marine electrician to double-check your wiring - I wonder how many of us converts are still bonded and grounded properly.
    • Keep in mind that you'll almost never have right-of-way as a sailboat - if your prop is spinning to reduce drag, you're a powerboat.
    • Forget about solar, wind, regen etc if you daysail - charge at the dock.