
Doing a conversion safely is not always obvious. But consider that it's very hard for a diesel engine to kill or maim you - but the battteries in an electric conversion certainly can. Consult an ABYC certified electrician to make sure you are wiring your boat properly including grounding and bonding considerations.

If you boat in fresh-water you need to be doubly careful about grounding and bonding to avoid injury to nearby swimmers. Saltwater is conductive enough to generally be the better path, but in freshwater it might be the swimmers body.

These motors are powerful. Don't ever energize them unless they are completely secured. Their torque is sufficient to "remove parts" left casually exposed.

Carry baking soda on board for acid spills. A water bottle with baking soda added will make a good eye wash. Use safety glasses (the new wrap-around type that double as sunglasses work pretty well and you're more likely to use them)

Remove jewelery before fiddling with wires.

Make sure your fire extinguishers are rated for electrical fires (most are)