
OK, here's my log of stupid things I've done:

Got the wrong pulley ratios becuase I was looking at no-load vs loaded RPM on the motor.

Cooked 2 controllers - one from mis-use, one from corrosion. One still sorta works so it's my backup

Cooked 2 more controllers because I had hotwired my keyswitch and didn't realize that was causing the contactor current to surge through the control circuitry (vs power circuitry) on the controller. Didn't realize until the 2nd controller that it might have been my fault...

Left dock without making sure the batteries were charged

Left dock without making sure reverse (still) worked

Didn't realize my generator leaks gas it the fuel is left on but powered off

Lost power because I'd routed control wires up through my steering pedastel - and they were immediatly shredded by the mechanism

Didn't read up on Peukert's

Didn't buy a meter which compensates for Peukerts

Bought a bunch of cool blue LED voltage meters - that require a seperate 12V to run