Pofahl Family


Pofahl Family

There is a heraldic picture of the Pofahls. The Pofahl family has its origin in Pommern / Pomerania (Map) , http://www.POMMERN.ws , formerly in the East of Germany, now partly Germany, partly Poland. Most probably the name has its origin in the slavic word "Potalani", which means "hilly, with mountains" ("hügelig-bergig") or from an indogerman ("indogermanisch") word for "Leader" ("Herrscher"). Pofahls lived in :

There is a Facebook group "Pofahl Cousins" .

There is good material on http://compgen.de/ , "Verein für Computergenealogie e.V.", "Willkommen auf dem deutschen Genealogieserver",

do a search for "Pofahl" ("Metasuche"), which will give you an ever increasing number of references.

From the original area there were migrations to the West and to overseas. The first people went to the "new world" between 1770-1795. The second wave swapped over during the 19. century, the last wave left after world war II.

There is a "Pofahl Lake" in Nebraska, USA, Madison County, Latitude: 41.993894, Longitude: -97.3903282 (Maplet)

About 230 Pofahls were listed 2002 in the (internet-) phonebooks : 118 in Germany, 92 in USA, 22 in Brasil.

You can look up the distribution of Pofahl families

in Germany : http://www.verwandt.de/karten/absolut/pofahl.html

in the U.S. : http://www.ancestry.com/learn/facts/fact.aspx?&fid=7&ln=Pofahl&fn=&yr=1920

Some known chronics (remarks)

ALL the cemeteries in western Kenosha County & Wisconsin are on line now...and FREE..... that is 28 cemeteries.

There are 308 POFAHLS noted, 70 of those in Wisconsin and 30 of those in Kenosha county :


The web-site "Find a Grave" is useful for research not only in Kenosha, but in general.

Johanna Pofahl from Refrath near Cologne in Germany did some research and has a large archive.

There is some info on the Genealogy Homepage about the name http://genforum.genealogy.com/pofahl/.You find about 100 Pofahls, when you do a search on http://www.familysearch.org/.

Some Pofahls went to the USA with the following immigrant ships (shipname, date of arrival, name, age) :

    • Bark Meridian, 1857-09-16, Aug. W., 40, Henriette, 40, Justine, 15, Emilie, 12, Ferdinand, 9,
    • SS Victoria, 1878-04-25, Ferdinand, 33, Frederike, 33, Herman, 7, Robert, 3, Bertha, 6Mo,
    • SS Silesia, 1881-07-18, Ferdinand, 42, Auguste, 30, Theodor, 8, Bertha, 7, Marie, 3, Emil, 9, Anna 70

The records of Ellis Iland, where the ships arrived, are online : http://www.ellisislandrecords.org/

And there maybe more data available.

There is a data base system behind the web-pages. By this method it is much easier to add/correct data.It is very tidious to keep HTML pages up to date.

Because the ortographical skills of the people, who wrote down birth and death in the church books, varied, there is a high chance, that the name "Pophal" (160 entries in Germany phonebooks) was also used for the same people, depending who was in charge to write down history.

I was inspired to set up this "Pofahl" page by many contacts from people with the same last name. I invite everybody to contribute to this page. If you have corrections or additions : please send them.

Pofahls on the web:

    • Alfred Pofahl, Germany
    • Andrea (Pofahl) Clinard, Illinois, USA, Pofahl Family Tree
    • Edson Lauro Pofahl, Brasil
    • Lars Pofahl, Norderstedt, Germany
    • Martin Pofahl, 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth, Germany,
    • Rainer Pofahl, Schwedt/Oder, Germany,
  • Mario Pofahl
    • Michael Katona, Australia (his mother is a born Pofahl) had pages in the WEB for some time

and myself :

Ekkehard Pofahl, Cologne, Germany

Access to data bases and free software to build family trees and genealogy records http://www.familysearch.org/ and http://wiki-de.genealogy.net/

There is a promising genealogy software PhpGedView : http://www.phpgedview.net/de/about.php

The software "The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding© ("TNG")" seems to be good :
