The Great Outdoors

Activities for Small Kids

Cross-Country Ski Trails

Fly Fishing Info

Berkshire Rivers Fly Fishing ( , email:

The tackle shop at Taft Farm: , 413-429-5366

Hikes in the Berkshires

Bess Dillman. 528-7974 She leads individualized hikes, designed for your abilities, interests, and time constraints.

Hot Air Balloons

Spirit Ballooning in Canaan Ct, 860-464-4359, Highest possible rec. A wonderful family-run business and the flight is an incredibly beautiful experience. (5/19)

Swimming Pools (Local)

Where to Hike on Your Own

Alford Springs: 2 loops, totals about 4 miles, good signage, run by BNRC.  Father's Loop: Go up Mountain Rd and to the left.

Harlem Valley Rail Trail: accessible in several places. 

Short trail off of Anthony Street in Hillsdale—a nice paved walk with a scenic view past tree farms and some grazing animals. A designated parking area in a lot that services the Roe Jan Brewery and Herrington’s.  Or access a much longer piece of the trail at Copake Falls off of Route 22 south, also good for biking.  

Housatonic Flats in GB. Short (~1 mi) flat hike.

Immediately south of Stockbridge: (1) Laura’s Tower Trail ends at the tower, which you can climb for a great view of the surrounding area.  (2) Ice Glen Trail.  

Art OMI in Ghent, NY, offers a vast, outdoor sculpture and architectural art park. The outdoor part is accessible with restrictions—see  As of May 11, only 20 parking spots are available, and if that number is reached, visitors will be turned away. 

Sheffield: Lime Kiln Farm run by the MA Audubon; nice 2.8 mile trail.

Mt. Washington:

The roads of Egremont - 35 miles of public roads (excluding Routes 41 & 23), including

Also in Egremont:

Berkshire Natural Resources Council has an app: BNRC Berkshire Trails. And their website at