

Dear Neighbors,

NeighborNet is a loosely knit group of Egremont neighbors, connected primarily by email. The purpose of the group is to help each other in a variety of ways. For example,

The possibilities are endless. A big benefit will be a strengthening of our community. And a long-term objective is to enable all of us to live at home for as long as possible.

Here's how it works. You'll be added to our Egremont NeighborNet Google group. When you need something, you'll send out an email to everybody at once—one simple email to our Google group email address—telling of your need and including your telephone number if you want a phone reply. Recipients reply if they can help (email responses should go to the sender of the email only). Those who have no help to offer will delete the message—no blame, no guilt, no responsibility beyond helping if it’s convenient. (When a problem is solved, it’s a good idea to let everybody else know.)

Members who don't use email designate a group member to be their contact, and when they have a request, they phone their contact, who then emails the group.

There are two ways to join:

1)   When you tell me that you want to be a member, send me your phone number, your street address, and two contact people (first names only: one close by, the other a relative to call in a serious emergency) with phone numbers. I’ll add you to the master list and email the whole list to you. (This list will never appear on line. It’s just a small way to make it easier for neighbors to connect. The first 180 people in NeighborNET are on the list, but if you are not comfortable with this idea, go to #2.)

2)   Let me know that you want to join but that you prefer to join without being adding to the master list. I’ll add you to the Google group, but you won’t receive the master list.

Our size doesn’t mean that you get loads of email. It’s been running a few per month. Egremonters find it easier to offer help than to ask for it! But one never knows when that help might be needed. Bonus: three members in our first year hosted potluck suppers for the group. Members enjoyed talking to old friends and neighbors they’d never met!

Finally: Ask other Egremont friends and neighbors if they want to be included, and have them contact me. Most important, do remember to ask NeighborNET when you need help. You'll brighten someone's day!

love to all, Marj (, or 528-3726)