Gardening and Landscaping 

Estate Caretaking

Dave Rogers, 518-929-9599. Excellent: smart and eager worker. Great for all outdoor jobs. (10/15, 5/18)

Field Mowing


Bill Taylor, Sandisfield, email To find out what your land can offer. (5/21)


Jim Kelly, 413-229-8224. (2/23)

Garden Care

Garden Plants

Garden Tools - Sharpening

Goats to Attack Invasives

Eugene at "Hudson Valley Weed Eaters, 518 567-3534. A wonderful experience! (6/20)

Irrigation Systems (see also under Landscape Work)

Landscape Design

Landscape Work

Lawn Care

Lawn Alternatives

Matt's Landscaping, Falls Village, CT, 860-824-1188, Starting an initiative of ecologically sensitive lawn alternatives. They work with a noted native plant/meadow expert. (8/22)

Try a roman chamomile lawn --


Sheffield Sod Farm, 413-229-3255. They sell 10 sq. ft. ( 2' x 10' strips) for $4 each. (3/21)


Available at Big Elm Brewing, 65 Silver St, Sheffield, 413-229-2348. (9/21)

Rock Moving

Topsoil, Mulch, Compost

NB: Buy mulch in bulk to avoid (1) the plastic bags, and (2) peat. Peat, left in bogs where it belongs, sequesters carbon. The carbon in peat, when spread on a field or garden, quickly turns into carbon dioxide, adding to greenhouse gas levels.


NOTE: If you are planning to have dangerous work done, make sure you hire people who have insurance.

See also Firewood

Tree Care




Stump Grinding

Sand or Gravel

Weed Killer, Homemade

Recipe: 1 gal white vinegar; 2 cups Epsom salts; 1/4 cup of Dawn. Spray on poison ivy patches. It will take several sprayings.

Website for PI specialist:

Yard Work