Session #13 - Teaching Speaking and Listening & Socratic Seminars

Learning Outcomes:

CLO 5253.1 - Offer alternative instructional suggestions and strategies that address the specific needs of California’s diverse student population.

CLO 5253.2 - Identify a clear instructional goal that is related to the English content of the standards.

CLO 5253.4 - Identify the most successful and efficient approaches within a particular classroom so that learning is maximized.

CLO 5253.5 - Assess student progress toward the achievement of English standards and adjust instruction accordingly.


Basically - Socratic Seminars require students to use the text to justify both questions and answers. They ask each other questions based on their reading and understanding. There is no "opinion" except what can be based on the text. Personal opinion is irrelevant. Opinion or positions based on the text is highly valued.

Demonstration of a Socratic Seminar

See also these two videos:

Socratic Seminar and Classroom Questioning. Remember: Socratic Seminars are CENTERED on texts, not opinions.

READ - Burke, chap 6: "Speaking and Listening" (pp. 203-255)


UDL Video Due in EdThena.

UDL Reflection due either within Lesson Plan or Separately on your WebSite.

Design a Lesson in which students are engaged in a Socratic Seminar for your Unit Plan. (a requirement for your unit)

Next Steps:

Next Week - SDAIE Video and Reflection due.

Complete your Veteran Teacher Observation and Reflection

Next Semester- See Unit Plan components and requirements.

Week 15 - Unit Plan due