About Us

Institute of Wildlife Conservation,National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

The Institute of Wildlife Conservation (IWC) is an educational and research unit in National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) as well as the only academic unit in Taiwan which specializes in wildlife research and conservation. Each of our six full-time faculty members specializes in a group of wildlife, including primates, small and large mammals, birds and reptiles. While we see cultivating future wildlife biologists as our mission, equivalent effort is contributed to deepening our profession in the science of population ecology, conservation and management of the endangered species in Taiwan. In addition to the above fields, we have been extending our research focus to species restoration, conservation medicine, conservation genetics and human-wildlife conflict management (including invasive species) in the past three years. Outside of our academic work, we take public education as an important new mission to deepen the environmental awareness of the general public.

For more information, please visit the official English website of IWC.

About the Avian Ecology Lab

The Avian Ecology Lab (aka. The Bird House) of the Institute of Wildlife Conservation is lead by Dr. Yuan-Hsun Sun. The lab is known for its research on large raptors but substantial effort has also been put into the study of indigenous hunting culture, stream bird population ecology, migration patterns and more. In addition to the above focuses, the lab is also taking active steps to develop its strength in solving human-bird conflicts so that the ultimate vision of coexistence may be realized.

Recent research subjects:

International cooperation on wildlife management and nuisance control

The ecology and conservation of rare diurnal and nocturnal raptors

Application of radar, isotope and zugunruhe in migration studies

Dynamics of stream bird population

Avian nuisance prevention and control

●The Avian Ecology Lab Blog (in Chinese) http://iwcraptor.pixnet.net/blog

●The Avian Ecology Lab FB Page (in Chinese) https://www.facebook.com/iwcraptor