Mobile Robots Lab

The Mobile Robots Laboratory, from the Tecnológico Nacional de México/I.T. La Laguna, has a great variety of academic prototypes and platforms for research purposes. Some of the equipment is shown below:

QBall2 Quanser - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - Quad-Rotor Type

The QBall2 is a quad-rotor aerial vehicle for indoor research activities.

3D Robotics - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - Quad-Rotor Type

The 3D Robotics is a quad-rotor aerial vehicle for outdoor research activities.

Crazyflie 2.0 Bitcraze - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - Nano Quad-Rotor Type

The Crazyflie is a nano quad-rotor aerial vehicle for indoor/outdoor research activities.

QBot2 Quanser - Unmanned Ground Vehicle - Unicycle Type

The QBot2 is a ground mobile robot for indoor/outdoors research activities.

Nexus Robot - Unmanned Ground Vehicle - Omnidirectional Type

The 3WD Omnidirectional Triangle Robot is a ground mobile robot for indoor/outdoors research activities.



  1. Alejandro Enrique Dzul López, PhD (Head of the Laboratory)

  2. Héctor Ríos Barajas, PhD

  3. Víctor A. Santibáñez Dávila, PhD

  4. Miguel A. Llama Leal, PhD

  5. Manuel Mera Hernández, PhD


  1. Ignacio Aguilera Reza, B.Sc

  2. E. Alejandro Martínez Contreras, M.Sc

  3. J. Eduardo De La Cruz Aguilar, M.Sc

  4. Pablo E. Rochel Robles, M.Sc

  5. Ariana Gutiérrez Ortega, M. Sc

  6. J. Roberto Franco Jaramillo, M.Sc

  7. Romeo Falcón Prado, M.Sc

  8. L. Ricardo Ovalle Gamboa, PhD