Glucose Regulation Project

The project SEP-CONACYT-ANUIES-ECOS NORD 296692 (2019-2024):

 “New Generation of Closed-Loop Control Algorithms for Glucose Regulation in Diabetic Patients via Bio-Inspired Models” 

is a bilateral research collaboration between CITEDI-IPN, Mx., and the IMS Laboratory of the University of Bordeaux, Fr. The project pursues the design of new closed-loop glucose regulation algorithms in Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 patients. We consider commercial continuous glucose monitoring systems and alternative biosensors measuring the pancreatic islets' electric activity. The project also comprises students and researchers from the Tecnológico Nacional de México/I.T. La Laguna. 

This project tries to address an international and national scope problem in health.  



JCR Journals

Book Chapters

International Conferences

National Conferences

Dissemination Journals

Overview of the Problem


Blood Glucose Regulation in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

In this video,  we explain what the blood glucose regulation problem is. Moreover, we explain how a Model Reference Adaptive Controller can be applied to solve such a regulation problem, and we present some results obtained from a high-fidelity simulator.