Assignment 02

Assignment 2 | Procedural Scene Creation (Part 01)

Group: 1-2 Group Members

Due: Week 4

Summary: Students must create a game scene where the player has the ability to create procedural game objects (e.g. by clicking on the ground, a flower is spawned). The player must also be able to trigger basic procedural animations for these objects. A procedural animation is defined as a scripted animation sequence that can be applied to multiple and different game objects. It is not necessary for this to be a full game experience, but there should be a shared theme for this scene.

Instructions: For one group member, a minimum of three objects spawnable at run-time is required, as well as three scripted animation sequences. Scripted animations do not have to be overly complex, but should be more complicated than just rotating back and forth, for example. Note that other variables beyond position and rotation can be animated (for example, animating color and alpha options on an object's material over time). Double these requirements for groups of two students.

Assignment 2 | Procedural Scene Creation (Part 02)

Group: 1-2 Group Members

Due: Week 5

Summary: Using the scene from the procedural mesh assignment, add particle effects to the scene with the objectives of (1) enhancing the stylistic goals as defined in the first deliverable and (2) making the generation of objects seem more natural or more grounded in the game world.