
DIGM 620 Digital Media Workshop

Fall 2014

Dr. Frank Lee,

Office Hours: By Appointment

Course Description

This course addresses issues in the field of Digital Media, with emphasis on a single, comprehensive project. Examples of topics include stereoscopic production, mobile game development or training through game development.

Course Purpose

DIGM 620 Digital Media Workshop is the first course in a sequence with DIGM 630 Digital Media Groups Workshop, DIGM 650 Public Venue Seminar and DIGM 651 Publication and Presentation. Its purpose is to complement the thesis development process by covering issues related to thesis project development and implementation thereby allowing the thesis development course to focus primarily on the scientific aspects of the thesis work. Students will be able to utilize this course for project work necessary to support their thesis.

Expected Learning Outcomes

Students will learn to understand how scientific research and project work complement each other in the thesis development process.

Course Journal

Students are required to keep an online journal of the work related to this class. Journal entries have to be submitted at least once a week, Sunday midnight before class, and have to at least include:

    1. Total number of hours spent on this course within this week

    2. A detailed description of the activities completed within this week

    3. Expected activities for the next week

Students within the accelerated program can base their weekly journal entries on the format used in the Senior Project class. Students are expected to work between 10 and 15 hour per week for this class.

Course Outline


10% Class participation

20% Weekly journal entries

10% Midterm presentation

20% Final presentation

40% Overall quality of course project

A+: 100-97, A: 94-96, A-: 90-93, B+: 87-89, B: 84-86, B-: 80-83,

C+: 77-79, C: 74-76, C-: 70-73, D+: 67-69, D: 60-66, F: 0-59


You are expected to attend all classes. Class participation is an important part of your grade. Missing 3 classes results in automatic failure. If a student must miss class, it is the student's responsibility to contact me by phone the day prior to the missed class. Students will also be responsible for getting missed notes from the other students.

Academic Integrity, Plagiarism, and Cheating Policy

Students with Disability Statement

Course Drop Policy

Course Change Policy

The instructor reserves the right to change the course during the term at his or her discretion. These changes will be communicated to students via the syllabus, website announcement, or email.