GMAP345: Assignment 2, due Week 4

Post date: Jun 22, 2011 12:3:27 AM

Make your own FPS shooting gallery game where you

  • Shoot custom bullet objects... (your bullets can be any geometry..i.e. bunnies, pies, or basketballs) (40)

  • ...that make noise and particle effects when they hit something. (20)

  • Hit objects should be rigid bodies with physics. (20)

  • Special hit objects should not move but instead impart an extra force on the bullet object in the direction reflected around the normal to the surface (i.e. bounce off in opposite direction). (20)

Submission Guidelines: Create a web-playable version of your game. Upload it to the web. Email your instructor a link to the game with the subject line "CS/GMAP 345 Assignment 2 - <YOUR NAME>". This assignment must be competed individually.

See the following link for how to publish your homework assignments: