Proton Pack v2

I had a good time building my original proton pack and it's held up well over the years. I've never been fully satisfied with it, however. For one thing, it's heavy -- probably at least 30 pounds. For another, it's a bit hacked-together. Okay, fine; it's a LOT hacked together and some of the dimensions are farther off than I'd like. It's also heavy. And it doesn't have electronics. And did I mention it's heavy?

So now I'm working on a new one. My intention this time around is to mold the shell in fiberglass. I've never worked in fiberglass before so this may or may not turn out well. While I'm not going for 100% screen-accurate (if such is even possible), I want it to be as close as feasible and still be light enough to wear around Dragon Con all day.

5 month(ish) hiatus — Apr 20, 2015 1:52:30 AM

Skipping ahead... — Nov 23, 2014 10:30:00 PM

Update 2: Circles and Boxes — Sep 17, 2014 1:45:36 AM

Update 1: Bucking the trend — Aug 23, 2014 7:55:52 PM