Atlanta Mini Maker Faire Round-up

Post date: Sep 11, 2011 1:28:41 PM

I had a blast at the first-ever Atlanta Mini Maker Faire. Not even a sinus infection and sunburn could ruin it. Our UWG ACM table got lots of traffic, even though we didn't have any flashy banners or whatever -- just a bunch of guys and their little robots sitting at a table. But we had a steady stream of people talking to us, asking questions, wanting to know how to build their own 'bots, etc. I was in heaven. I love talking geek with smart people.

Some of my favorite exhibitors included the Atlanta Hobby Robotics Club, the R2 Builders Group, and Hackerspace Charlotte (who were right beside us and were swell guys).

And by golly we're going to do this next year! Things to include in our plans:

  1. Sunscreen. Lots of sunscreen. And big ol' hats. I'm thinking mandatory sombreros (maybe even encourage it by having a trick-out-your-hat contest...)
  2. Get a picnic shelter. Kenny's wife mentioned UWG has some that student groups can borrow.
  3. Make a banner for UWG ACM. Bonus points if it's tricked out with LED's, etc.
  4. Related to #3, bring some drop cloths for the table. Just makes things look nicer.
  5. Get the UWG ACM website in shape. Seriously folks, we're a COMPUTER SCIENCE club and our website blows. That's just embarrassing.
  6. Bring more business cards. The half-dozen or so in my wallet ran out in no time.
  7. Step up my personal game and bring something big and cool. I'm thinking it's time to revive, rebuild, and revamp the Giant Marble Run.